Bellringing at St Barts

Have you heard the bells ring at St Barts and wondered what it was like? Perhaps you had bells at your wedding? Well read on to find out more about this unique hobby!

Bellringing is a team activity that both makes a wonderful sound for the surrounding area and is a hobby that keeps the brain stimulated and helps to keep you fit! St Bartholomew's Change Ringers meet regularly, ringing for Sunday services and practicing weekly. We have both a 'big bells' team which are what you hear on a Sunday morning, and a handbell ringing team which you may often see at Christmas in local care homes or pubs spreading Christmas carol cheer! 

Do you hear the bells on a Sunday and wonder what it is like to have a go?

 Looking for a new low intensity hobby? Need a skill for DofE perhaps?

Then come along and learn more about bellringing, and have a go. Open to anyone over the age of 8. We are having an open tower event for you to give ringing a try on 14th April at 11.15 am! Please come along and have a go! 

You do not need any experience to be a bellringer and we are always looking for new team members. In 2024 we are planning to run a short intensive course across a couple of weekends where you can learn the basics of ringing faster than on average. Places are limited but we would love you to sign up if interested.  

Ringers come from all walks of life, some learn young some learn as a hobby later in life. It's a fun, querky hobby to have! Almost anyone can be a ringer; you do not need to be musical, you do not need to have any prior knowledge, and you do not need to go to church or be strong physcially. 

Ringing is a chance to :

  • make new friends,
  • develop a lifelong learning experience,
  • maintain a traditional skill,
  • provide a service to the local community
  • take part in a team activity
  • have a great mental workout
  • have an opportunity to visit new places.

We often ring for many community events, in recent years having rung for the Commonwealth Games (you may have heard us in the background of the cycling event held in Wolves), the Queen's Jubilee, the Queens passing, the King's coronation and much more! 



   St Bartholomew's Change Bellringers