Bart's Blog

Bart's Blog

Bart's Blog

# Bart's blog

Bart's Blog

WHY NOT JOIN A LIFE GROUP? There are several Life Groups running in our church, and we are looking for more people to join and expand our existing groups.

 WHAT IS A LIFE GROUP? IS IT FOR ME? Life Groups are about helping each other to live LIFE God’s way – working out what it means to be disciples of Jesus today, and connecting our faith to the whole of life. It’s a great way to grow in your faith and to develop new friendships with people from a wide range of ages, backgrounds, and Christian experience.

 Our Life Groups meet weekly, each with about 6-10 members. Although each group looks slightly different, the meetings are always based on the “4Ws”:

  • Welcome      Building relationships between group members
  • Worship        Keeping our attention focussed on God
  • Word             Listening to God speak to us through the Bible
  • Witness         Allowing God to work through us in the way we live

We have both daytime and evening groups. Some groups meet mainly or completely online, others in homes or in the Oak Room. Something for everyone!
We would love more people to be involved in Life Groups, so if you would like to know more please speak to Janet Shackleton or Revd Ben, or email church office.

The Well FoodbankParticularly needed right now are tinned vegetables of all kinds, especially tinned potatoes, tinned fruit, rice pudding, any other tinned puddings, rice and pasta sachets, toiletries, large size nappies. Other tinned or dried items also welcome. PLEASE AVOID out-of-date items, opened packets & fresh foods, as these cannot be used. If you would like to help please add your donation to the trolley at the back of church and it will rapidly find its way to someone in need.

For more information

 Wolverhampton City of SanctuaryAfter our August break the donations team are once again collecting and distributing.  We have continued to respond to special requests over this time. Always needed are kitchen and household items, children's clothes and toys, toiletries and sanitary products. Larger items are welcome too, but help with transport would be appreciated. Special requests this week please for a sewing machine, ironing board, small wardrobe, a chest of drawers, a desk lamp and a toaster.

Please contact Annette Souter on Tel: 07952 777998 or 

Thankyou very much for your ongoing support. Please do not deliver to Church.

Flower Festival A huge thank you to all who took part – arrangers, stewards, musicians, refreshments team and to all visitors. Whilst the festival was planned to celebrate the return to normality this year, we are grateful that we raised almost £2,000.Thank you so much. Joy

Flower Festival Refreshments Thank you to everyone who either helped or provided cakes for the refreshments last weekend. Special thanks to Jill and Paul Fieldhouse for all their help over the weekend with setting up and taking down of tables and chairs. Also to Richard Vernon after church on Sunday morning. We couldn’t have achieved what we did without all your help. Margaret Mottram

New Church Heating System (Hurray!)

Work on our new heating system in St Bart’s has started!!!

Obviously there is going to be some disruption. Please can we all be patient and understanding in the knowledge that it is going to be great when finished. It will only be for a couple of months and it will be nice and warm for Christmas!

Inevitably, this project is going to be expensive and will be in the region of £90,000.

If you would like to make a donation, towards the heating fund, please put it in an envelope clearly marked “Heating Fund” (and don’t forget to Gift Aid it).

Alternatively, you can pay by bank transfer. If you would like the bank account details, please contact the Parish Office by email, look at a standing order form, or put it in a yellow envelope clearly marked “Heating Fund”. 

Bart’s Butterfliesare meeting at St Anne’s Church on Thursdays at 1.45pm

All are welcome.

Next Newsletter

The next Newsletter is planned to be available at the end of November. If you wish to submit an article or notice, please submit it to the editor, Sarah Slade, at  by Monday 8th October. If you, or someone you know, wishes to advertise in the Newsletter please contact Jon Norden

CHRISTMAS FAYRE 2021 Due to the current circumstances of Covid and keeping our helpers, supporters and parish safe, we have decided to cancel this year’s Christmas Fayre. It was a hard decision to make, but we think the right one, so next year we will be having a bumper Fayre. The date will be Saturday 26th November 2022, 12 noon till 3pm, further details next year. God Bless and Stay Safe, Donna.

What’s on this week?

Sunday 3rd October




Holy Communion


Parish Communion


Harvest Festival at St Anne’s






Monday 4th October


Morning Prayer


Coffee Morning


Hoodie Choir




Tuesday 5th October


Morning Prayer


RIP Jacqueline Warrington (Mary) (Church/Bushbury West Chapel)




Wednesday 6th October


Mid-week Holy Communion (Lady Chapel)


Living Faith (Church Hall Lounge)




Thursday 7th October


Morning Prayer


RIP Janette Fellows (Jan) (Gornal Wood)


RIP Deirdre Storer (Church/Gornal Wood)


Bart’s Butterflies (St Anne’s Church)




Friday 8th October


Morning Prayer


Memorial Service RIP Joan Hollington (Church)


Ashes Interment RIP Lloyd Simmonds (Churchyard)




Saturday 9th October


Morning Prayer


Holy Communion with Worship Band




Sunday 10th October



Holy Communion


Parish Communionwith Worship Band


All-age Worship in St Anne’s




Please Pray for: Those for whom extra prayer is needed:

Brian Hopson,  Jeanette Saunders,  Jane Green,  Wendy Carly,Linda Harris,  Maggie Perry,

Stella & Bluebell,  Katrina Jones,  Baby Lilly,Paul Lengkong,  Margaret Reade,

Naomi Williams,  Baby Lily Wong,Paul Challenor,Jackie Evans.

Please Pray for: The family and friends of those who have died:

Jacqueline Warrington (Mary),  DeirdreStorer,  Janette Fellows (Jan),  Wynn Russon, 

Elaine Morgan.

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  St Bartholomew's Church   ·   Church Hill, Penn, Wolverhampton, WV4 5JB       01902 576809
