02/07/2024 0 Comments
Bart's Blog
Bart's Blog
# Bart's blog
Bart's Blog
LIVING FAITH The Diocesan disciple course will run again at St Bart’s from Wednesday 22nd September, 7.30pmin the Church Hall Lounge.
If you want to learn more about the Christian faith, this is a fantastic course that follows the church year, so what we discuss on the course enhances what we are hearing about on a Sunday in church.If you are interested please speak to Rev Ben, Rev Alison or leave your details with the Parish Office.
The Well Foodbank:Particularly needed right now are tinned vegetables of all kinds, especially tinned potatoes, tinned fruit, rice pudding, any other tinned puddings, rice and pasta sachets, toiletries, large size nappies. Other tinned or dried items also welcome. PLEASE AVOID out-of-date items, opened packets & fresh foods, as these cannot be used. If you would like to help please add your donation to the trolley at the back of church and it will rapidly find its way to someone in need.
For more information http://thewellwolverhampton.co.uk
Wolverhampton City of Sanctuary:.After our August break the donations team are once again collecting and distributing. We have continued to respond to special requests over this time. Always needed are kitchen and household items, children's clothes and toys, toiletries and sanitary products. Larger items are welcome too, but help with transport would be appreciated. Special requests this week for a fridge, fridge freezer and freezer. Please contact Annette Souter on Tel: 07952 777998 or annette_souter@hotmail.com
Thankyou very much for your ongoing support. Please do not deliver to Church.
School leavers: Do you know of any children who have left 6th form and are therefore starting on a new chapter in their lives and would like a prayer shawl to take with them.
If so please contact the church office or Saskia on saskia.poller@gmail.com
We are looking for a small team of helpers to set up all the activities and toys for our playgroup during term time only, either from 9.30pm on a Monday night or from 7.30am/8.00am on a Tuesday morning.It will not take long to set-up if we have enough helpers, and if anyone would also like to join our team in helping our Little Acorn's during playtime, that would be a fantastic help and support to our team and church. Our group will hopefully start running again soon.If you would like any more information, please call Donna Williams on 07546527300.Thank you & God Bless.
Life group request: We are collecting picture postcards for the charity Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF). The postcards are sold and money raised helps the work of this charity. The picture postcards can be of any age, but need to be whole, not the stamps cut out of them! There is a box at the back of the Church in which to place the donated postcards. Thank you.
MAF and its partners provide help, peace, joy and love to isolated people across the developing world, they will provide disaster relief when devastation happens. It is an amazing charity.
We are delighted to be holding a Flower Festival this year from 25th – 27th September. Joy would be very grateful to see photographs/pictures of Old Penn if you have them. Please contact her via the Parish Office on 576809.
Margaret needs many cakes! Please contact her on 343528 or 07495 159635.
Ann Quigley is collecting items for the Plant Stall at the Festival over that weekend. If you have anyplants/cuttings, please contact her on 331509.
New Church Heating System (Hurray!)
After many years we finally have a date to start work on our new heating system in St Bart’s.
It will begin on Tuesday 28th September, the day after the flower festival.
Obviously there is going to be some disruption. Please can we all be patient and understanding in the knowledge that it is going to be great when finished. It will only be for a couple of months and it will be nice and warm for Christmas!
Inevitably, this project is going to be expensive and will be in the region of £90,000.
If you would like to make a donation, towards the heating fund, please put it in an envelope clearly marked “Heating Fund” (and don’t forget to Gift Aid it).
Alternatively, you can pay by bank transfer. If you would like the bank account details, please contact the Parish Office by email, look at a standing order form, or put it in a yellow envelope clearly marked “Heating Fund”.
Quiz Time!
Alzheimer's Society Wolverhampton Volunteer Fundraising Group invite you to join their Quiz on World Alzheimer's Day:-
Tuesday 21st September 2021, 7.30pm start (Registration from 7pm)
The Oxley Park Golf Club,Stafford Road,Bushbury, WV10 6DE
Entry Fee £5 per person /Teams of up to 6 people
Pre-Register at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/quiz-in-support-of-the-alzheimers-society-tickets-169661101923
The Church will be floodlit on the evening of
Friday 17th September
in loving memory of
Michael Harrison
What’s on this week? | ||
Sunday 12th September
| 8.00am | Holy Communion |
10.00am | Parish Communion with Worship Band | |
11.45am | All-age Worship in St Anne’s | |
5.30pm | Evensong | |
Monday 13th September | 9.00am | Morning Prayer |
10.00am | Coffee Morning | |
4.00pm | Hoodie Choir | |
Tuesday 14th September | 9.00am | Morning Prayer |
Wednesday 15th September | 9.15am | Mid-week Holy Communion (Lady Chapel) |
Thursday 16th September | 9.00am | Morning Prayer |
2.00pm | Bart’s Butterflies (Lady Chapel) | |
Friday 17thSeptember | 9.00am | Morning Prayer |
Saturday 18th September | 9.00am | Morning Prayer |
4.00pm | Wedding: Kyron Harper & Kirsty Fielding | |
5.30pm | Holy Communion | |
Sunday 19th September
| 8.00am | Holy Communion |
10.00am | Parish Communion | |
11.45am | Holy Baptism and all-age Worship in St Anne’s | |
2.30pm | Holy Baptism | |
3.30pm | Holy Baptism | |
5.30pm | Evensong |
Please Pray for: Those for whom extra prayer is needed:
Brian Hopson, Jeanette Saunders, Jane Green, Wendy Carly,Linda Harris, Maggie Perry,
Stella & Bluebell, Katrina Jones, Baby Lilly,Paul Lengkong, Margaret Reade,
Naomi Williams, Baby Lily Wong, Julian Hollington, Paul Challenor,Dave Whitfield,
Jackie Evans, Alice Corbett, Grace Simkin, Jutta Dougan, Thomas Griffiths, Lucy Harris,
Keren Anthony, Deryk Vernon.
Please Pray for: The family and friends of those who have died:
Joanne Dyson, Jacqueline Warrington (Mary).