Bart's Blog

Bart's Blog

Bart's Blog

# Bart's blog

Bart's Blog

Baby Bear Project:

140 Jumpers for South Africa were collected this week. Chris & John the Project Leaders, wish to thank all the ladies who have knitted them. The hospital in South Africa is so very grateful.

Church Clock:  As many people will be aware there have been problems with the clock over the last year. The repairs are in the hands of our clock repairer and hopefully it will be working again soon.

The Well Foodbank:Particularly needed right now are tinned vegetables of all kinds, especially tinned potatoes, tinned fruit, rice pudding, any other tinned puddings, rice and pasta sachets, toiletries, large size nappies. Other tinned or dried items also welcome. PLEASE AVOID out-of-date items, opened packets & fresh foods, as these cannot be used. If you would like to help please add your donation to the trolley at the back of church and it will rapidly find its way to someone in need.

For more information

Wolverhampton City of Sanctuary: Thank you all so much for your donations which are always appreciated and much needed for Wolverhampton City of Sanctuary. Special request this week please for an iron, asmall fridge, a hoover, a small wardrobe and a child’s bed. Always in demand are household and kitchen items, towels, children’s toys and books, toiletries and sanitary products.  Thank you for your ongoing support. Please contact Annette Souter to arrange for any donations to be collected or delivered to her on Tel: 07952 777998 or    Please do not deliver to Church.

MIDWEEK COMMUNION Wednesdays9.15am in the Lady Chapel We would love you to join us for this short reflective service,

any questions please contact Rev Alison.

  WhatsApp Prayer Group

This group has been running successfully for the past 6 months and has helped us to share prayer requests for people and situations, and to pray in an informed and timely way when a need arises. We have created a private group using WhatsApp on our mobile phones, in order to share prayer requests via text message. Group members commit to praying for the needs mentioned, which remain confidential.

If you would like to be added to the group, or have a request for prayer, please text me on 07981 142866. Thank you. Janet Shackleton.

Penn Winn Bible Presentation - Tuesday 13th July at 7.00pm

Revd Ben has already visited St. Bart’s & Springdale Schools to talk to their

Year 6 children; however, if your child does not attend either of these schools and you wish them to receive a Penn Winn Bible, please contact the Parish Office on 01902 576809.


We are seeking a voluntary team of heavenly dusters to help keep our wonderful church clean.It would only be for a few hours per month on a rota system and only light general cleaning.If you are interested please put your full details with a brief letter in an envelope addressed to Donna Williams and place in the parish office letterbox and we will contact you asap.


Pennwood Lane, Penn, Wolverhampton


We have an Almshouse, available to anyone who meets the criteria, applicants need to be on income support, housing benefit, and have some sort of connection to Penn or   Pennfields. If you, or anyone you know may be interested, please contact either 

Jill Fieldhouse(Clerk to the Trustees) 

Telephone – 01902-620149Mobile – 07710435572Email –jill.fieldhouse@outlook.comor Revd. Preb. Ben Whitmore.


Please note that anyone who receives weekly dvd’s from Church will receive them on a Tuesday or Wednesday.

What’s on this week?

Sunday 4th July




Holy Communion


Parish Communion


All-age Worship in St Anne’s






Monday 5th July


Morning Prayer


Hoodie Choir




Tuesday 6th July


Morning Prayer




Wednesday 7th July


Mid-week Holy Communion (Lady Chapel)




Thursday 8th July


Morning Prayer


Bart’s Butterflies (Meet on the green)




Friday 9thJuly


Morning Prayer




Saturday 10th July


Morning Prayer


Holy Communion with Worship Band




Sunday 11th July



Holy Communion


Parish Communion with Worship Band


All-age Worship in St Anne’s





Please Pray for: Those for whom extra prayer is needed:

Brian Hopson,  Jeanette Saunders,  Jane Green,Pauline Hollington,  Wendy Carly,

Linda Harris,Julian Hollington,  Paul Challenor,  Stella & Bluebell,   Doreen Hickman, 

Hilda Rawlins,  Maggie Perry,  Katrina Jones,  Baby Lilly,Paul Lengkong,  Margaret Reade,  John Dodd,  Naomi Williams,  David,  Rob Jones,  Alice Corbett,  Grace Simkin,  Lucy Harris,

Jutta Dougan,  Thomas Griffiths,  Keren Anthony,  Deryk Vernon.


Please Pray for:The family and friends of those who have died:

Clara Tayo Latunji,  Peggie Hazeldine,  Rosemary Joynson,  Bob Marshall.


 Lord we thank you for the gift of prayer,

that you are always more ready to hear

than we are to pray.

Teach us to pray, alone and with others

that in our churches, Diocese,

and with your saints worldwide

we may play our part in the coming of your kingdom.

More information and prayers can be found on the Lichfield Diocese website


There is a funeral today - we remember those who have been bereaved recently, may they find comfort and strength for all the challenges they face. We pray for those who take the services.  


We give thanks that Busy Bees are meeting, and pray that other groups for children and young people will be able to meet again soon. We remember the Butterflies who will be meeting on the green again soon.


We pray for the people who live in our link diocese of Qu’Appelle in Canada. Many small churches do not have an ordained minister. We pray for the many lay readers who work so hard for their small congregations.


SUNDAY    We pray today for all our clergy. We are very privileged at St Bart’s to have such a great team to minister to all who are linked with the church. We pray for all those who watch online and receive cd’s.


We give thanks for all who sing in the Hoodie choir and Carly who leads them. We give thanks also for the Hartbeeps and Sling Swing groups. We also pray for the senior choir and Julia who leads them.


We pray for peace in the Middle East, for Palestinians across the world as they grieve lost ones and remember old wounds in the light of recent troubles, may they all be comforted by the Lord.


We give thanks for all who serve in the military, especially the families who are separated because one member is working away from home. We pray for those who are struggling to adjust to life when they leave the armed forces.


Penn Winn Bibles will be presented to year 6 children today. We give thanks for those who set up this fund and we pray that the Bibles will be read and will help young people to know the Lord.


We give thanks and pray for Sue in the office and Dean our treasurer and his team.


We give thanks for all who come to the Saturday Service, and all who lead and preach. We pray for our church wardens and give thanks for all that they do.



SUNDAY    We give thanks for all who worship at St Anne’s and those who lead the worship and support the families who come. Strengthen and encourage them all we pray.


We give thanks for the life group that meet this morning and pray that other life groups will be able to meet soon. We pray for Janet who organises the WhatsApp prayer group.



We pray for Catherine Crawley who returns to the UK today. May she know peace as she visits family and friends before starting a new job at a church in London on August 3rd.


We give thanks for Alison and pray for her as she leads the Mid-week Communion today. We also give thanks for the work of the Mothers’ Union worldwide and pray for all who come to their Communion Service this morning.


Catherine asks us to pray for the School in Bangladesh where she has been working. They are going through a time of management transition. May this all go smoothly. May everyone know peace.


We pray for the people who live in our link diocese of Mechlenberg in Germany. This is a holiday area in Germany so we pray for those who have been affected by covid restrictions.


Today is the Holy Spirit Day for those who have been following the Alpha Course.  There is an adult baptism today in preparation for the Confirmation Service tomorrow.


SUNDAY    We Pray for the Bishop as he comes to take the Confirmation Service today and for those who are being confirmed and their families and friends.



The coronavirus continues to cause many problems worldwide. We pray for those who are ill in Wolverhampton, that whatever their illness, they will be able to get the medical attention they need.


We remember those people who have been shielding for a long time, and are afraid to go out. As more people are vaccinated we pray that the fearful attitude will gradually disappear and people will mix safely. 





Term ends today - we pray for all who work in our schools that they will have a good end to this difficult year and be able to use the summer break to recuperate and prepare ready for the new term in September.


We pray for our link diocese of Matlosane, for Bishop Steve Disco and for all those in the covid response team. May those experiencing loss, apprehension and fear receive the help, comfort and strength from the Lord that they need.  


We pray for all who work in our emergency services. Give them wisdom in difficult situations and protect them and their vehicles from those who would cause harm.


We pray for people in prison that they will get the help they need to turn their lives around when they leave. We pray for all who work in our prisons that they will have wisdom in every situation.


SUNDAY    We give thanks that we are free to read the Bible and go to church to worship. We pray for those who are in prison for their faith and for those who have come to faith in a situation where they face opposition and persecution.


 We pray for those who have just left school and are preparing to go to college or university. We also pray for those who are starting work or apprenticeships at this time. We pray for those going to new schools in September. 


We give thanks for Anthony Arul and pray that he and his family will enjoy good health. May they see many encouraged in their walk of faith. We pray for Christians in other parts of Asia where it is not easy to be a Christian.


We pray for victims of crime that they will be able to get the support they need and find peace and justice.


We give thanks for those in our pastoral team. We pray that they will have wisdom as they contact those who are poorly or in special need.       


We pray for Boris Johnson and the members of his cabinet and all who govern our country. Give them wisdom in all the decisions they make.


Many people go away for holidays at this time of year. Keep them safe as they travel.  Help them to keep safe that there will not be another wave of covid cases.

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  St Bartholomew's Church   ·   Church Hill, Penn, Wolverhampton, WV4 5JB       01902 576809
