02/07/2024 0 Comments
Bart's Blog
Bart's Blog
# Bart's blog
Bart's Blog
The Well Foodbank:Particularly needed right now are tinned vegetables of all kinds, especially tinned potatoes, tinned fruit, rice pudding, any other tinned puddings, rice and pasta sachets, toiletries, large size nappies. Other tinned or dried items also welcome. PLEASE AVOID out-of-date items, opened packets & fresh foods, as these cannot be used. If you would like to help please add your donation to the trolley at the back of church and it will rapidly find its way to someone in need.
For more information http://thewellwolverhampton.co.uk
Wolverhampton City of Sanctuary: Thank you all so much for your donations which are always appreciated and much needed for Wolverhampton City of Sanctuary. Special request this week please for a small fridge, a toaster, a hoover, a small wardrobe and a child’s bed. Always in demand are household and kitchen items, towels, children’s toys and books, toiletries and sanitary products. Thank you for your ongoing support. Please contact Annette Souter to arrange for any donations to be collected or delivered to her on Tel: 07952 777998 or annette_souter@hotmail.com Please do not deliver to Church.
MIDWEEK COMMUNION Wednesdays9.15am in the Lady Chapel We would love you to join us for this short reflective service, any questions please contact Rev Alison.
Mothers’ Union
Mothers’ Union monthly Communion Services are beginning again in Church on Wednesday 9th June at 10.30am. All are welcome.
WhatsApp Prayer Group
This group has been running successfully for the past 6 months and has helped us to share prayer requests for people and situations, and to pray in an informed and timely way when a need arises. We have created a private group using WhatsApp on our mobile phones, in order to share prayer requests via text message. Group members commit to praying for the needs mentioned, which remain confidential.
If you would like to be added to the group, or have a request for prayer, please text me on 07981 142866. Thank you. Janet Shackleton.
Beckminster Methodist Church Wolverhampton is seeking to appoint a part-time Lay Worker for Older People. The appointment will be for 15 hours per week. Salary will be in the range of £19,760-£21,185 according to experience pro rata to a 40 hour week. DBS (enhanced disclosure) required. Further details and application form available from the Church Secretary, Beckminster Methodist Church, Tel 01902 344910, email info@beckminsterchurch.co.uk Closing date: Friday 25th June
BE ALERT !!! There have been several reports recently from clergy friends of their details being used by scammers to con their parishioners. (It even happened to the Bishop recently). Please know that neither the clergy orthe wardens of our church will email you individually and ask you for money, or vouchers or anything else. If you receive an email, text or Facebook message asking you to send anything - or to do anything - please check with us first (perhaps use the landline – 01902 576809, that way you’ll know it’s us you’re talking to!) Definitely do not respond to any link or number provided in an unsolicited message. |
We are seeking a voluntary team of heavenly dusters to help keep our wonderful church clean.It would only be for a few hours per month on a rota system and only light general cleaning.If you are interested please put your full details with a brief letter in an envelope addressed to Donna Williams and place in the parish office letterbox and we will contact you asap.
Pennwood Lane, Penn, Wolverhampton
May 2021
We have an Almshouse, available to anyone who meets the criteria, applicants need to be on income support, housing benefit, and have some sort of connection to Penn or Pennfields. If you, or anyone you know may be interested, please contact either
Jill Fieldhouse
(Clerk to the Trustees)
Telephone – 01902-620149Mobile – 07710435572Email –jill.fieldhouse@outlook.comor Revd.Preb. Ben Whitmore.
Church Floodlighting:If you wish the Church to be floodlit in memory of a loved-one or to celebrate a special anniversary, birthday etc, please contact the Parish Office on 01902 576809. The cost is only £15 and the Church is lit from dusk to midnight.
What’s on this week? | ||
Sunday 6th June
| 8.00am | Holy Communion |
10.00am | Parish Communion | |
11.45am | All-age Worship in St Anne’s | |
5.30pm | Evensong | |
Monday 7th June | 9.00am | Morning Prayer |
4.00pm | Hoody Choir | |
Tuesday 8th June | 9.00am | Morning Prayer |
12.00pm | RIPDonald Sharp (Church/ Bushbury West Chapel) | |
Wednesday 9thJune | 9.15am | Mid-week Holy Communion (Lady Chapel) |
10.30am | Mothers’ Union Holy Communion (Church) | |
3.00pm | RIPCarol Flavell (Bushbury West Chapel) | |
7.00pm | Marriage Preparation (Lady Chapel) | |
Thursday 10th June | 9.00am | Morning Prayer |
2.15pm | Bart’s Butterflies (Meet on the Green) | |
Friday 11th June | 9.00am | Morning Prayer |
Saturday 12th June | 9.00am | Morning Prayer |
5.30pm | Holy Communion with Worship Band | |
Sunday 13th June
| 8.00am | Holy Communion |
10.00am | Parish Communion with Worship Band | |
11.45am | All-age Worship in St Anne’s | |
5.30pm | Evensong |
Please Pray for: Those for whom extra prayer is needed:
Brian Hopson, Jeanette Saunders, Jane Green,Robert Farmer, Pauline Hollington,
Wendy Carly,Linda Harris,Julian Hollington, Paul Challenor, Stella & Bluebell, Tricia Gee,
Doreen Hickman, Hilda Rawlins, Maggie Perry, Katrina Jones, Baby Lilly,Paul Lengkong, Margaret Reade, Alice Corbett, Grace Simkin, Jutta Dougan, Thomas Griffiths,
Keren Anthony, Lucy Harris, Deryk Vernon.
Please Pray for:The family and friends of those who have died:
Don Sharp, Ken Plant, Marian Munroe, Carol Flavell, Robert Hulse.
Almighty God, Your ascended Son
has sent us into the world to preach the Good news of your Kingdom :
Inspire us with your Spirit and fill our hearts with the fire of your
love, that all who hear your Word may be drawn to you,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
1. | Pentecost season - Lord, fill your people afresh with your Spirit, that through them, your word may spread throughout your world.
2. | We pray for people in prison and the chaplains who seek to help them. Help those who want to build a new life to prepare for the time of their release. We also pray that victims of crime will find peace and justice. |
3. | There are two weddings this week. We give thanks that they can happen now, and pray for the couples getting married and all their guests. We also pray for the clergy who take the ceremonies. |
4. | Today there is a funeral at St Bart’s. We remember all who mourn, especially those who have lost loved ones during the lock down, and have not been able to share their grief with relatives and friends. |
5. | We give thanks and pray for all who serve in the military, especially their families who have to move every few years. We remember those who are leaving the armed forces that they and their families will be able to build new lives. |
6. | SUNDAY We give thanks for our clergy. We are so privileged to have such a good team to minister to the people of this parish and beyond. Fill them afresh with your Spirit for the work you have called them to. |
7. | We are looking forward to the time when the Coffee Morning will be able to start again. We give thanks for friends made when we could meet, and for Joy, Sally and Jo who made it such a success. |
8. | We pray today for all who work in our schools. We think of those taking exams and those who will be starting school or changing schools in September. We also pray for those going to college or university. |
9. | We pray the members of the Mothers’ Union who meet for Communion this morning. We give thanks for Alison who leads it. We give thanks for all the work of the Mothers’ Union worldwide. |
10. | We pray for Catherine Crawley as she returns to the UK, that she will find a home, job and church where she can settle for the next step in her life. May she be aware of the leading of the Lord and have peace. |
11. | We pray for the members of our City Council that they will have wisdom in all their decisions. Many things could not be done during the long lock down. Help them to know how to catch up with things. |
12. | Today is our Queen’s official birthday, and should be Trooping the Colour. We give thanks for our Queen and remember her as she will especially miss Prince Philip today, and pray for the other members of the family who will be supporting her. |
13. | SUNDAY We pray for all who worship at St Anne’s, and those who lead. We remember the families there who struggle and will have missed the support from St Anne’s during the lock down. |
14. | We give thanks and pray for the Monday Life Group as they meet today. We also pray for the other life groups as they consider how, when and whether to start up again.
15. | We pray today for all who live in our link diocese of Mechlenberg, Germany. We also pray for all who come to Painting in Penn, and Ron who organises it. We trust they will soon be able to meet again.
16. | We give thanks and pray for those who live in our link diocese of Matlosane. Keep them safe as they travel. Help Bishop Steve as he seeks to encourage the Christian people in this large spread out diocese. |
17. | We give thanks for Melissa and pray for her as she continues to serve you in the Middle East. We pray for those who have been encouraged. We also pray for those who work alongside Melissa.
18. | We pray for all who sing in our choirs, and for Julia and Carly as they lead and teach them. We also give thanks and pray for those who play in the band and lead our worship. |
19. | We pray today for our church wardens, Anne and Catherine, who do so much to ensure that things run smoothly at church. Strengthen and encourage them in all they do. |
20. | SUNDAY We give thanks for all who come to the services at St Bart’s and those who lead and preach. We also pray for those who clean the church, pens and service sheets between services. |
21. | Today let us pray for all who are sick or in special need. We pray that they will get the help they need. We pray for our local doctors. Give them wisdom as they meet people or give telephone consultations. |
22. | We give thanks for Sue in the office, Dean our treasurer and all who clean the church. |
23. | Canada - we continue to pray for the small churches in the city of Regina who are seeking to work together and worship together. We give thanks for Bishop Rob in Regina as he seeks to work with these churches. |
24. | We pray today for those in prison because of their faith. Reveal yourself to them that they may be encouraged and strengthened to remain faithful to you. |
25. | We give thanks for all who knit prayer shawls that have been a blessing to so many. Encourage Saskia who organises this group.
26. | We give thanks and pray for all who work in our Emergency Services. Help them in all the stressful situations that they face. Protect them from those who would seek to harm them or their vehicles. |
27. | SUNDAY We pray for those who work with the children connected to St Bart’s. They have faithfully put stories on-line for the children and their families. May they be encouraged as we can now meet together indoors. |
28. | We pray for the Pastoral Team who seek to keep in touch with those who are lonely or sick or in special need. Give them wisdom as they decide who to phone or visit. |
29. | We give thanks and pray for Anthony Arul and his family. Give them all good health, Help them to support and encourage each other. We pray for Christians in this part of Asia where it is sometimes difficult to follow Christ. |
30. | We pray for people who live in the Middle East. Bring your peace into situations of war and tension with Israel and Gaza. Strengthen and encourage those who work for peace in this troubled part of the world. |