Bart's Blog

Bart's Blog

Bart's Blog

# Bart's blog

Bart's Blog

Thank you all so much for your donations which are always appreciated and much needed for Wolverhampton City of Sanctuary. Always in demand are clothes (for all ages and sizes), household and kitchen items, towels and bedding, children’s toys and books, toiletries and sanitary products. Thank you for your ongoing support. Please contact Annette Souter to arrange for any donations to be collected or delivered to her on Tel: 07952 777998 or Please do not deliver to Church.

The Well Foodbank: Particularly needed right now are tinned vegetables of all kinds, especially tinned potatoes, tinned fruit, rice pudding, any other tinned puddings, rice and pasta sachets, toiletries, large size nappies. Other tinned or dried items also welcome. PLEASE AVOID out-of-date items, opened packets & fresh foods, as these cannot be used. If you would like to help please add your donation to the trolley at the back of church and it will rapidly find its way to someone in need.

For more information

Zoom Choir Practice Friday evenings – if anyone is interested in joining the choir, please speak to Ben.

Christmas Cards

We are aware that members of the congregation like to post personal Christmas cards in the pigeon holes at the back of church. Unfortunately, due to the current covid-19 situation, the pigeon holes are not in use this year.

If you wish to send cards to your friends, please put their full name on a stamped envelope and post them in the church office post box, outside the office. We will address the envelopes for you and post them. We are unable to give out addresses for data protection purposes. Unfortunately, any envelopes without a stamp will not be posted.

There will be a board in the church porch which can be used to post season’s greetings to the congregation in general.

Thank you for your help.

Anne Edwards

Church Warden  

There will be a short spoken service of communion at 10.00am on New Year’s Day to start 2021 with prayers and sacrament.

St Bart’s School Applications: Could parents please give us a brief history of their worship at St Bart’s, along with the Supporting Evidence Form, so that we can accurately complete the form. We check all of the applications carefully for accuracy.

St Peter’s School Applications: Could parents please give us a brief history of their worship at St Bart’s, along with the Supporting Evidence Form, so that we can accurately complete the form. We check all of the applications carefully for accuracy.

Church Floodlighting: If you wish the Church to be floodlit in memory of a loved-one or to celebrate a special anniversary, birthday etc, please contact the Parish Office on 01902 576809. The cost is only £15 and the Church is lit from dusk to midnight.

The Church will be floodlit on the evening of

21st December

in loving memory of Michael Harrison

From all of us here at St Bartholomew’s and St Anne’s

We wish you a very Happy Christmas and New Year

What’s on this week?

Sunday 20th December


Holy Communion


Parish Communion


All-age Worship in St Anne’s


Carols with Hoodie Choir (Ticketed service)


Carols by Candlelight (Ticketed service)


Carols by Candlelight (Ticketed service)


Carols by Candlelight (Ticketed service)

Monday 21st December


Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel)


RIP Susan Goodall (Church/Penn Cemetery)


Ashes Interment RIP Ruby Castree

(Penn Cemetery)

Tuesday 22nd December


Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel)

Wednesday 23rd December


Mid-week Holy Communion (Lady Chapel)

Thursday 24th December


Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel)


Crib Service – aimed mainly for children KS1 and younger – Service will be streamed live online, no public attendance.


“Nearly” Midnight Eucharist (Ticketed Service)


Midnight Eucharist (Ticketed Service)

Friday 25th December


Holy Communion


All-age Christmas Communion

Saturday 26th December


Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel)


Holy Communion

Sunday 27th December


Holy Communion


Parish Communion


All-age Worship in St Anne’s

Please Pray for: Those for whom extra prayer is needed:

Alice Corbett, Brian Hopson, Grace Simkin, Darren Westwood, Jeanette Saunders,

Jutta Dougan, Robert Farmer, Jane Green, Pauline Hollington, Wendy Carly, Lucy Harris,

Andrea Bradley, Deryk Vernon, Thomas Griffiths, Keren Anthony.

Please Pray for: The family and friends of those who have died:

Bob Smith, Peter Evans, Judith Morton, Susan Goodall.      


NEW YEAR’S DAY A time to look back and give thanks for all God’s love and care during the year that is past, which has been very difficult for so many. We look forward with hope for the future.


Jesus Christ the same, yesterday, today and tomorrow. He said, I will never leave you nor forsake you, so we commit our lives afresh to Him.


SUNDAY The first Sunday in a new year. Lord be with all who worship at St Anne’s and St Bart’s. We pray for our clergy and all who lead worship, especially as Covid-19 restrictions continue.


We pray for our government as they sort out all the issues related to Brexit. Give them wisdom in all conversations in parliament and with other European leaders.


We pray today for people who are homeless. We give thanks for those who seek to help them to turn their lives around and give them hope for the future.


Qu’Appelle - we continue to pray for the churches in Regina who plan to begin worshipping together soon. We give thanks for Bishop Rob and pray that he and all the clergy will have wisdom in all they do.


We pray for Melissa that she will know the peace of the Lord in her heart in all plans for this new year. Help her as she continues her language study and seeks to help her refugee friends.


We give thanks and pray today for the Choir and the Hoodie Choir, for Carly and Julia, and also our organists. We also pray for all in the band. We are so privileged and blessed to have so much beautiful music.


We pray for the many people who have had a very lonely year because of lock down. We pray that they will get the help that they need and that 2021 will be a year of finding and making friends.


SUNDAY We pray for the Christingle Service at St Anne’s today. We give thanks for all who worship there, and those who lead. We also pray for Anne our church warden and give thanks for all she does for St Bart’s.


We pray for people in prison, that they will get the help they need to turn their lives around and make a new start when they leave prison. We pray for the prison chaplains.


Lord, we pray for your people and clergy in the Nordiche Church in our companion diocese in Northern Germany. Help us to maintain links with them in the new situation after Brexit.


Today we remember those who have been victims of crime and pray they will find justice. Help them to find those they can trust to help them in whatever way they need to come to a place of peace.


We pray for Catherine Crawley, working as an administrator in a Christian school in Bangladesh. She has started working towards the ACCA Chartered Accountant qualification. She is due to return to the UK at the end of June, so we pray that she will know the next step in her life.


We give thanks and pray for Sue in the office, Dean our treasurer, and Donna who all do so much for the church.


We give thanks for all the pupils and staff in our secondary schools. We pray for all those preparing to sit exams. Help them Lord to settle down after the challenges of last year and work to the best of their ability.


SUNDAY Today is the Epiphany Carol Service in St Bart’s when we remember the visit of the Magi. Help us Lord to seek the Lord with the same determination and perseverance that they had.


We pray for those who usually come to the Coffee Morning. If we are not meeting we pray that people will keep in touch and encourage each other. We especially remember those who are lonely.


Matlosane South Africa - we pray for clergy and people in this vast, mostly rural diocese Give them wisdom to know how to keep safe while encouraging each other in their Christian lives.


We pray for chaplains in prisons that they will have wisdom and grace in all their conversations with prisoners and staff. May prisoners discover a true sense of themselves and who they are meant to be.


We give thanks for all in the Mothers’ Union. We trust that this year they may begin to meet again and enjoy the talks and company of friends.


We pray for all who serve in our armed services. We remember those who are living away from home. Help those who are posted to difficult places and give them the wisdom they need.


We give thanks for all who work in our local hospitals. Help them and their families to keep safe and well. We praise the Lord for the vaccine and pray for wisdom as it is administered to people.


SUNDAY Today we give thanks and pray for the other churches in Penn. We pray that they will be able to worship together and that we all may be able to share the love of the Lord to people in Penn.


We give thanks for all who work in the Food Bank to help the many needy people in our city. We remember those who are unemployed that as life hopefully begins to return to normal they will find jobs.


We pray for Anthony Arul as he leads worship in the church in Penang, Malaysia. We pray for his wife and daughter. Strengthen and encourage them in all they do.


We pray for young people looking for work in these challenging times. Help them to use their time wisely, and we pray for the many who have been furloughed and are now out of work.


We pray for our government that they will have wisdom and will know how to get our country back to some kind of normality and stability, with all the challenges of Covid-19 and Brexit.


We give thanks for all who work in our care homes. Help them to get the protection they need to keep safe as the challenges of living with Covid-19 continue. We pray for families separated who cannot meet and spend time close to each other.


Many of our roads are in a very bad state due to work not done during last year’s lock down. Help our councils to see how to organise their work force to get our roads repaired.


SUNDAY As we meet to worship today we give thanks for all the new technology that has helped many to worship at home and keep in touch with others.

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  St Bartholomew's Church   ·   Church Hill, Penn, Wolverhampton, WV4 5JB       01902 576809
