02/07/2024 0 Comments
Church opening.
Church opening.
# Bart's blog
Church opening.
Saint Bart’s Church is opening for private prayer on Monday 15th June.
We are delighted our Church building will be open again from Monday. It will open at 8am daily and close at 6pm. We pray that you know God close to you and your loved ones.
If you are displaying any COVID 19 symptoms, for everyone’s safety please do not enter. Obviously, we care about you so if you contact us 576809 we will keep you in our prayers.
To keep us all safe and well we ask that people would...
As you enter...
Apply anti-bac gel to your hands.
Collect a laminated card as you enter the worship area. The card has prayers that you might find helpful.
Also please collect a sheet of paper and a pen from the tray.
While you are in the building...
Remain in one place to pray
Give other people at least 3 m personal space if they are in the church already.
Keep silence in church throughout. This is in order not to distract others as they pray.
Write your name on the paper (This is so that we can keep a record of who has been in here.) along with any particular prayer requests (eg. a situation or person on your mind).
As you leave...
Leave the card where you were (so that we can wipe down the surfaces afterwards).
Put the paper and pen in the box.
If you wish to make a donation to the church put that in the box.
On departure, gel your hands and exit through the door towards the oak room and then turn left to leave the building.
There is no access to the toilets, office and oak room at any time.
Just in case you didn’t know, our church has a popular Facebook page. Do feel free to follow us at ‘Saint Bartholomew’s church, Penn’. On this you find services at the weekend, a daily thought for the day from Rev. Ben and information about events etc.
God be with you.
Revd Ben.
If you would like to make a donation, you may do so by text.
From your Phone by Text Message:
e.g. Text Bart 3 to 70085 to donate £3.
Text Bart 5 to 70085 to donate £5.
Text Bart 7 to 70085 to donate £7.
You can choose to give any whole amount from £1 up to £20.
You will receive a thank you text with the option to Gift Aid 25% of your donation at no extra cost to yourself. Gift Aid gives us an extra £1 for every £4 you may donate.
Please Pray for: Those for whom extra prayer is needed:
Alice Corbett, Andrea Bradley, Sarah Bayliss, Thomas Griffiths, Brian Hopson, Lucy Harris,
Deryk Vernon, Jane Green, Rita Marston, David Kingston, Katrina Jones, Edith Jackson, Megan Rawlins, Jean Broach, Val Beech, Kenneth Bowen, Mary Gee.
Please Pray for: Those who have recently died:
Kathleen Trainer, Graham Jervis, Mary Freeman, Patricia Hayward, Dr Alexander Fraser Dukes.