02/07/2024 0 Comments
Church News
Church News
# Bart's blog
Church News
Rev Preb Ben Whitmore-
"Dear friends,
Thank you for all the lovely words of encouragement that I have received for the facebook videos I've put on each morning, and for the video services at the weekend. I'ts difficult being the Vicar of a large parish, and not be able to see you all each week in church, but I know God is with us, and it won't be too long before theses challenging times can be put behind us.
One of the many things I miss about our church, is the Choir. We are lucky enough to have two of them here in St Bart's, a morning choir, and an evening choir, both helping us worship on Sundays. My reading and talk this morning on facebook was based around 'The Magnificat', as sung so beautifully by our choir each week at Evensong.
As the world gets back to some normality, I would encourage you to join one of these choirs, they are really excellent, led by talented professionals, you would be very welcome whatever age, or singing ability.
With church life in mind, our daily and weekly routines have been disrupted, and a few people have been in touch with me and asked how they can donate to the Church and its mission, especially now we are unable to meet weekly. The very best way is to set up a standing order with your bank, so a set amount maybe donated regularly. Alternatively you may donate by Text from your phone. Text Bart 5 to 70085 to donate £5 or choose any amount from £1 to £20. I hope this helps, and more information can be found on our website www.stbarts.org.uk.
Look out for our Monthly Prayer Diary, its good to know we are praying as a church together.
Luke 1:46-55 also known as the song of Mary or the Magnificat.
'My soul doth magnify the Lord,
And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour'
I believe we can draw strength from God knowing that no matter who we are, whatever our circumstances, God is with us. Take care.
God bless,
A standing order form can be found here:
More information on text giving can be found here:
St Bart's facebook page can be found here:
Please Pray for: Those for whom extra prayer is needed:
Alice Corbett, Andrea Bradley, Sarah Bayliss, Thomas Griffiths, Brian Hopson,
Deryk Vernon, Jane Green, Rita Marston, David Kingston, Katrina Jones, Edith Jackson, Megan Rawlins, Jean Broach, Val Beech, Kenneth Bowen, Greta Morey.
Please Pray for: Those who have died:
Elizabeth Hamilton, Norman Morey, Brian Addison, Terry Irwin, Christine Spruce.
A prayer for Ascension Day
Almighty God,
As we prepare to worship today
We ask that you will stretch our imaginations
To sense the majesty and mystery of your ascension
Help us perceive how Jesus’ presence in our praying
Can give us confidence in our praying
And hope for the future
Through Jesus, our Lord
1. We give thanks for Ben and pray for him as he seeks to encourage us through this difficult time. Guide him as he prepares the meditations for each day.
2. We pray for those who would normally be attending the 5.30pm service today May they be encouraged in their faith as they worship at home.
3. SUNDAY We pray today for the families who would usually attend the 10.00am service. We pray too for those who lead the children’s groups
4. Today we pray for the people who come to the coffee morning, we especially remember those who feel very isolated at this time,
5. We give thanks for all those who come to Little Acorns. We pray that families will be able to get the support and help that they need. We also pray for members of the life groups that they will be able to encourages each other until they can meet again.
6. Today we pray for all the leaders and young people in our uniformed organisations. Help those who are missing their friends to find ways to contact them.
7. We pray for Boris Johnson and the other members of our government that they will have wisdom and make right decisions at this very difficult time. We also Pray for Victims of Abuse and those in prison.
8. We pray for Melissa and others who are seeking to help refugees during the lock down. We also pray that she will be encouraged and strengthened in herself while all normal activities are closed.
9. We pray those who normally come to Morning Prayer. We pray for people living alone that they may be very aware of Your living presence with them at all times.
10. SUNDAY We give thanks for Ben, Roberta, and Alison, our clergy. We pray for all those in our choirs, and our organists.
11. We give thanks and pray for all who work in our local care homes. We pray for the residents and their relatives and friends at this very difficult time.
12. We pray for Catherine Crawley and all staff at the school in Bangladesh at this challenging time. Give wisdom to those in authority that they will make right decisions. May those who have been ill make a full recovery.
13. We remember Christians in Matlosane, South Africa, that they will be encouraged in their faith and able to encourage each other.
14. We give thanks for the staff at New Cross Hospital. May they get the protective equipment they need. We remember those who have had treatment deferred because of the Corona crisis.
15. We give thanks for those who work for the Emergency Services. May they get the protective equipment they need. Give them grace and wisdom in difficult situations.
16. We give thanks for our Lay readers and pray that they will find ways to be an encouragement to people at this time
17. SUNDAY We give thanks and pray for our Church Wardens who work so hard in normal times. We look forward to the time when we can meet together again for worship.
18. Today should be the Prayers for Healing meeting. So let us pray for anyone we know who is sick or in special need.
19. Today we pray for Anthony Arul as he leads and cares for the people in his church in Malaysia. Give him wisdom and keep him and his family well we pray.
20. We pray for Christians in Asia that they will be encouraged in their faith
21. ASCENSION DAY We worship our Lord as we remember that he ascended into heaven and is there now, our living Lord, in the place of honour, alongside God his Father.
22. We give thanks for all who serve in our armed forces. We pray for those who are helping in situations caused by the corona virus, that they will stay healthy.
23. We pray today for those who have recently been bereaved, especially relatives of those who have had the corona virus. We pray for people who could not be with their loved ones at the end of their lives.
24. SUNDAY We look forward today to the time when we will be able to worship together again. We Give thanks that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever, wherever we are, alone or together.
25. We give thanks for all on our pastoral team as they have done their best to keep in touch with people during the lock down.
26. As we remember New Cross again, we pray for patients who do not have corona, that they will get the care and help that they need and all those who will be helping them.
27. We give thanks for those who live in our link diocese in Saskatchewan Canada. We pray that members of small churches will be encouraged in their faith.
28. We pray for the relatives of hospital patients, unable to visit their loved ones. Comfort them Lord at this very difficult time.
29. We give thanks for Julia and Carly who lead our choirs. We pray that when the lock down finishes they will be able to enjoy singing with the choirs again.
30. We pray for the clergy and people in our link diocese in Mechlenburg in Germany, that they will be encouraged in their christian life.
31. PENTECOST SUNDAY Come Holy Spirit, fill us afresh that we may be true witnesses for you here in Penn and wherever we go.