02/07/2024 0 Comments
Bart's Blog
Bart's Blog
# Bart's blog
Bart's Blog
Sunday 22nd December 2019 – Advent 4
Our Readings:
10.00am: 1st Reading: Isaiah 7: 10-16 (p.646)
Epistle: Romans 1: 1-7 (p.147)
Gospel: Matthew 1: 18-end (p.1)
Our Hymns:
10.00am: 182, 634, 447, 631 Communion Hymns: TBA
5.30pm: Carols by Candlelight – please see separate booklet
Donations: A very big thank you for all the great donations received during the past year. Your generosity has been much appreciated by those who have very little. There is very limited storage space at the drop in centre so I have to take a car load at a time. At the moment my spare room is full or items waiting to go! Can I ask that we have January off and start donations again in February to give me a chance to clear the backlog?
I am aware that after Christmas could be a time for a clear out and will be very pleased to receive donations again in February if you could hold on to them. Special request for a fridge/freezer please. Wishing everyone a Happy Christmas and best wishes for the New Year. Please contact Annette Souter on Tel: 07952 777998 or
Annette_souter@hotmail.com Annette attends St Bart’s Knit & Natter.
Compton Hospice Christmas Quiz – Number 30: Norman Schofield’s Annual Competition in aid of Compton Hospice. Please support the cause, and if you would, take a few copies for friends and colleagues. Copies are available from Norman.
URGENT: St Bartholomew’s School Applications: Could parents please give us a brief history of their worship at St Bart’s, along with the Supplementary Information Form, so that we can accurately complete the form. We check all of the applications carefully for accuracy. Forms must be given to us by 5th January at the lastest. Thank You.
Alpha Course 2020: Thursdays in the Oak Room at 8.00pm starting 16th January. The course is for anyone wishing to be confirmed, or anyone wanting to learn more about the Christian faith. Please put your name on the sign-up sheet at the back of the church or if you would like to know more about the course, please speak to Revd. Ben.
Bart’s Little Acorns: We have now broken up for the Christmas Holidays and look forward to seeing all ‘Little Acorns’ again when we come back on Tuesday 7th January at 9am in the Oak Room.
Bart’s Butterflies: We have also had our last session before the Christmas Holidays & return on Thursday 9th January at 2pm in the Lady Chapel.
Supporting our new MPs in prayer: In the days following the election the Bishops ask us to consider writing to our MP, simply to assure him or her of our prayers. We suggest people post a hand-written letter to this effect to our MP, House of Commons, London. SW1A 0AA.
Living Faith will start on Tuesday 28th January 7.30pm – 9pm. It will run for 8 weeks, but there will be a break for half term. There is a sign-up sheet at the back of church and further information is from myself or Ben. Alison.
St. Bart’s
Christmas Eve | 2.00pm | Crib service - aimed mainly at children KS1 and younger - also featuring our Little Cherubs |
4.00pm | Christingle featuring Hoodie Choir | |
11.30pm | Midnight Eucharist | |
Christmas Day | 8.00am | Holy Communion |
10.00am | All-age Christmas Communion | |
Sunday 20th January | 6.30pm | Epiphany Carol Service |
St. Anne’s
Sunday 13th January | 11.45am | Christingle Service |
From all of us here at St Bartholomew’s and St Anne’s
We wish you a very Happy Christmas and New Year
Please Pray for: Those for whom extra prayer is needed:
Alice Corbett, Pearl Kendrick, Anthony Smith, Pauline Smith, Jean Griffiths, Katrina Jones, Kenneth Jordan, Dennis French, David Kingston, Andrea Bradley, Sarah Bayliss,
Thomas Griffiths, Richard Matherson, Brian Hopson, Bernard Webster, Chris Finch,
Deryk Vernon, Lucy Harris, Val Beech, Norman Schofield.
Please Pray for: Those who have died:
Rosemary Stevens, Ian Abrahams, Shirley Hopkins, George Richards, Harry Eagle,
Marion Collier.
What’s on this week? | ||
Sunday 22nd December | 8.00am | Holy Communion |
10.00am | Parish Communion | |
11.45am | All-age Worship in St Anne’s | |
5.30pm | Carols by Candlelight | |
Monday 23rd December | 9.00am | Morning Prayer |
10.00am | Coffee Morning (Oak Room) | |
11.00am | Ashes Interment RIP Rosie Dalton (Churchyard) | |
Tuesday 24th December | 9.00am | Morning Prayer |
2.00pm | Crib Service | |
4.00pm | Christingle featuring Hoodie Choir | |
Choir singing at nursing homes | ||
11.30pm | Midnight Eucharist | |
Wednesday 25th December | 8.00am | Holy Communion |
10.00am | All-age Christmas Communion | |
Thursday 26th December | 9.00am | Morning Prayer |
Friday 27th December | 9.00am | Morning Prayer |
Saturday 28th December | 9.00am | Morning Prayer |
5.30pm | Holy Communion | |
Sunday 29th December | 8.00am | Holy Communion |
10.00am | Parish Communion | |
11.45am | All-age Worship in St Anne’s | |
5.30pm | Compline Service |
The Church will be floodlit on the evening of
Saturday 28th December
in loving memory of Graham Turner
PRAYER DIARYJanuary 2020
An Epiphany Prayer
O God, who by a star
Guided the Magi to the worship of your Son
We pray you to lead to yourself
The wise and great of every land
That unto you every knee may bow,
And every thought be brought into captivity
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.
(The church in Jerusalem and the Middle East)
1. | NEW YEAR’S DAY - “We remember that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever” let us rededicate our lives to Him, who loves us and has redeemed us. |
2. | We give thanks for the four churches in Penn, and pray that we will be able to work together to share the Good News of Christ’s love for all people. |
3. | We pray for Catherine Crawley who works in a Christian school in Bangladesh. We pray that they will find the land and building that they need. We also give thanks for all who come to the Knit and Natter today. |
4. | We give thanks and pray for those who lead and all who come to the 5.30pm service today, the first of 2020. We especially pray for our Lay Readers Brian, Michael and Sue. Lord meet with all who come to worship. |
5. | SUNDAY The first Sunday of the New Year - be with us Lord and meet all who worship at St Anne’s and St Bart’s. Be with our clergy today, Ben, Roberta and Alison, and those who lead worship at St Anne’s. |
6. | We give thanks for Joy, Sally and Jo who run the Coffee Morning and work so hard to make it a success. |
7. | The Little Acorns group begins again today. We give thanks for all who come and pray for all who help, especially those who come on Monday evening to get the room ready. |
8. | We give thanks and pray for Alison who leads the Mid-Week Communion service this morning. We also pray for those who come to the Bible Study this evening. |
9. | We remember Anthony Arul, a vicar in Malaysia. Give him wisdom in all he does. We also pray for his wife and family that they will keep healthy. We give thanks for all your people in our link diocese in Asia. |
10. | We give thanks for all who work in our local schools. We pray for children who are struggling in any way and we pray for members of staff who are under stress because they find their work difficult. |
11. | We give thanks for those who care for the churchyard, a work greatly appreciated by those who visit their relatives’ graves. We pray for all who are in the Band that will be leading worship today and tomorrow. |
12. | SUNDAY We pray for our Church Wardens who carry great responsibility in the day to day running of the church. We pray for Sam our Youth Worker as he meets young people on the Warstones Estate. |
13. | We pray for the many small churches in our link diocese in Saskachewan, Canada. Help them to share the Gospel with others who do not come to church that their congregations will grow. |
14. | We give thanks for all who are in the Life Groups, and pray for them that they will be inspired and encouraged in their Christian lives. |
15. | We give thanks and pray for Sue in the office and Dean our Treasurer. We also pray for all in Painting in Penn. |
16. | We pray today for people in prison that they will be able to turn their lives around, and that, when they come out of prison they will get the support that they need. |
17. | We give thanks for chaplains who work in prisons, hospitals and many other places. Give them wisdom for each new situation they face, that they will be able to give the appropriate help that is needed. |
18. | Melissa asks for prayer for a training in the Middle East to equip church workers in a course similar to Alpha. Pray that the talks would help people effectively share the Word and participants would swiftly put into action all they learn. |
19. | SUNDAY We pray for families that bring their children for the Baptism Service today. We also pray for the Epiphany Carol Service at 5.30pm. We give thanks for all in our choirs and for Carly and Julia. |
20. | The Prayers for Healing group meet this evening to pray for people in special need. Lord guide us as we pray. We also pray for all who come to the Start Course this evening. |
21. | We pray for the Mothers’ Union who meet today. We give thanks for all the work that the MU does overseas helping many families. |
22. | We pray for those who live in our companion diocese of Matlosane. We pray for clergy who travel long distances to their churches and we pray for Bishop Steve that he will have wisdom in all he does. |
23. | We pray today for victims of crime that they will find justice, come to a place of peace and be able to forgive. We give thanks for all who work in the Emergency Services. |
24. | We pray for all the young people who come to the Youth Group on Friday evenings and those who are helping with this group. |
25. | We give thanks and pray for all who serve in our armed services. We remember families who are separated because one family member is working away. We pray for those who find it hard to adjust when they leave the services. |
26. | SUNDAY We give thanks for our Organists who play at the 10.00am and 5.30pm services. We also pray for those who teach the children in the creche and Sunday School. |
27. | Our Pastoral Team visit many people who are sick or unable to go out. Penn is a very large parish and their work is appreciated. |
28. | We pray for those following the Living Faith course and for Alison who leads it. We pray for Alison as she balances her ministry in the church with her work as a doctor. |
29. | We give thanks and pray for all the leaders and young people in our uniformed organisations, Scouts, Guides and Boys Brigade. |
30. | We pray today for churches in our link diocese in North Germany. We pray that their clergy and people will be encouraged in their faith during 2020, and that links with Lichfield will be strengthened. |
31. | We remember those who live on the street. We pray for those who try to help them to turn their lives around. We pray for those who run the overnight cold shelter, and for Street Pastors who meet people out at night. |