Bart's Blog

Bart's Blog

Bart's Blog

# Bart's blog

Bart's Blog

Speak up and be counted

Published: 18th April 2024

So often diocesan synods are perceived as boring, dry and bureaucratic. This should not be the case! Rather they should exist

to serve the mission of the wider Church, to make strategic decisions, and to encourage the growth of mission and ministry in

our diocese. So, are you passionate about these things and want to play a more active role in embedding our vision and

strategy in the life of all our churches and communities? Then please read on…

What is Diocesan Synod?

Diocesan Synod is our primary elected, representative body and brings people together across the Church of England in

Staffordshire, north Shropshire and the Black Country. It holds the diocesan vision, drives mission, sets strategy, elects and

appoints a range of positions on boards and committees and shapes priorities.

It may respond to questions put to it by the General Synod and is an advisory and deliberative body. It considers the

important topics facing our diverse and unique diocese and the wider Church. It is a statutory institution which serves not

only our diocese but influences and helps to direct the national church on matters of church, public and government policy. It

also includes some mandatory governance items such as approval of the budget and the annual accounts. The membership

consists of three houses: the House of Bishops; the House of Clergy; and the House of Laity.

The current three-year term is due to end on 31 July. The next synod members will be elected in the summer of 2024 and

serve a term of three years. Meetings are held in March, June and November.

The agenda for 2024-2027

Themes for the next three years will include embedding our diocesan vision and strategy, taking forward the Growing Faith

initiative in relation to schools and families; a continuing focus on growth in numbers and depth of discipleship, including

new Christians, and new worshipping communities; actively engaging with our local communities, determination to continue

to focus on safeguarding, diversity, racial justice and the environment.

What skills and qualities do representatives need?

 Vision: Do you have a vision for a flourishing Church and a passion to work with others to share your Christian faith

and deepen the discipleship of those around you?

 Commitment: Are you ready to seek God’s will through prayer and reflection, with a heart for growth, mission and

engagement across boundaries?

 Openness: Are you open to trying new approaches while learning from others, embracing change and the bigger

picture and to sharing inspiring feedback with your deanery, PCC and wider church family?

 Enthusiasm: Members of Synod are encouraged to speak and challenge confidently, enabling change whilst leading

and encouraging others.

 Good communication skills: Do you have a listening ear? Are you receptive and open-minded and have the ability to

share your passion?

Do you have ― or could you develop ― some of these qualities to serve the Diocese of Lichfield? If so, can I encourage

everyone reading this who is on the electoral roll of your church, is over 16 years of age and an actual communicant to

prayerfully consider whether this is something God is calling you to do?

I would be happy to talk to anyone considering this and answer any questions or concerns you may have.

Julie Jones is the Diocesan Secretary/Chief Executive Officer for the Diocese of Lichfield and can be contacted

by email or on 01543 306291.

Bart’s Butterflies: Please join us on Thursdays at 1.45pm in the Lady

Chapel for lots of singing, stories and fun. All are welcome.

Friends of St Bart's and St Anne's warmly invite you to a fun Quiz night to be held on

Saturday 18th May 2024 at 7.00pm for a 7.30pm prompt start in the Oak Room. Teams can

be up to 6. If you are not part of a team, we will put you into a team of less than 6 people.

Tea, coffee and squash will be available but please feel free to bring your own drinks and

refreshments (and glasses to save on the washing up!!). 

The cost of the evening will be £5.00 per person. We will hold a raffle in the interval.

Please buy lots of tickets to support us, Contact Anne Edwards on 01902 337478 for an

application form.  We look forward to seeing you on 18th May. 

Pimms & Canapes evening – Tuesday 14 th May – 7pm in the Oak Room – Everyone is

welcome. Parking is available at St Bart’s School.

Mothers’ Union will be meeting in the Oak Room on Tuesday 21 st May at 2.30pm.

The guest speaker is Revd David Primrose -  practical wisdom for a climate crisis.

Everyone is welcome.

Penn Singers present  The Great American Songbook

Guest: The Jackfield 10 Band

Penn United Reformed Church (WV4 5QP) Saturday 6th July 2024 7.30 pm

Tickets £10.00 including refreshments with a Retiring Collection

in aid of Midland Air Ambulance Contact Pauline Hollington 07881 911107

Thanks to Wolverhampton Council for the generous donation of £300 for the

Community Fund that they made towards the renovation of the garden in front

of the Church Hall.

Thanks also to the many people who helped make it possible.


We will be holding a Farmers Market on Sunday June 2nd

From 1pm – 3pm in the Oak Room. Stalls are available.

Please speak to Revd. Ben if you would like to book one!

Everyone is welcome.

What’s on this week?

Sunday 12 th


8.00am Holy Communion

10.00am Parish Communion with Worship Band

11.45am All-age Worship in St Anne’s

5.30pm Evensong

Monday 13 th


9.00am Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel)

9.30am Schools Pentecost Experience

10.00am Coffee Morning (Oak Room)

4.00pm Hoodie Choir

Tuesday 14 th


9.00am Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel)

9.30am Schools Pentecost Experience

9.30am/1.30pm Painting in Penn (Church Hall)

7.00pm Mothers’ Union Pimms & Canapes (Oak Room)

Wednesday 15 th


9.15am Mid-Morning Holy Communion (Lady Chapel)

1.30pm/6.30pm Painting in Penn (Oak Room)

7.00pm Living Faith (Lady Chapel)

Thursday 16 th


9.00am Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel)

11.30am Ashes Interment RIP John Higgs (Churchyard)

1.45pm Bart’s Butterflies (Lady Chapel)

Friday 17 th


9.00am Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel)

9.30am School Pentecost Service

6.30pm/7.20pm Trebles Rehearsal/Full Choir Rehearsal

Saturday 18 th


9.00am Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel)

5.30pm Holy Communion with Worship Band

7.00pm for

7.30pm start

Quiz Night (Oak Room)

Sunday 19 th



8.00am Holy Communion

10.00am Parish Communion

11.45am All-age Worship in St Anne’s

2.30pm Holy Baptism Service

5.30pm Evensong

Please pray for: Those for whom extra prayer is needed:

Christopher Brookes, Doris Taylor, Nunzia Padulano, Terry Taylor, Leo Pratt, Jo Cove,

Anne & David Cove, Neil Etchells, Alice Corbett, Dave Charles, Jenny Charles, Donna Williams,

Rob Sullivan, Brian Hopson, Maureen Farrier, Joe Cooper.

Please pray for: The family and friends of those who have died:

Stephen Barton, Edith Whittingham, Frances Wilde, Cislyn Lewis, Chris Dalton, Raymond Shinton,

Albert Dunn, Grace Simkin, Barbara Cairns, Robert Murray.

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  St Bartholomew's Church   ·   Church Hill, Penn, Wolverhampton, WV4 5JB       01902 576809
