March Prayer diary

March Prayer diary

March Prayer diary

# Bart's blog

March Prayer diary




 March 2024

God of love,

passionate and strong,

tender and careful:

watch over us and hold us

all the days of our life;

through Jesus Christ our Lord,


Additional prayers can be found on the Lichfield Diocese website and Church of England website




As we continue through Lent, help us to persevere in prayer when things do not seem to change. Help us to bring our deepest desires and longings before our loving God, and trust you to hear us.


Please be with all who work with Christian mission and aid organisations, as they bring the good news of your love to those to whom they minister. Protect them in any difficult situations.


Sunday. We pray for all our clergy this weekend. Bless and encourage them in their preparation for preaching and leading our services. Help them to have your wisdom in all they say and do.


Today we pray for those who work in media, in news reporting, TV and radio, social networking. We ask that reporting would be fair and truthful, even in difficult or controversial situations.


We give thanks for our church wardens and PCC members. Please help them in their work and service for you. May they not grow weary. Guide them in any challenging situation that they may face.


Please be with all who work in manufacturing and engineering industries. May their workplaces remain safe and their businesses prosper. Be with apprentices as they learn new skills.


We pray for all those who work in safeguarding of children and other vulnerable people. We ask that truth would come to light and offenders brought to justice. We pray for wisdom in all decisions made, and that we would all play our part in noticing and reporting possible problems.


Thank you for those who knit the prayer shawls that are donated, and the prayer sheep for baptisms. We pray that all who receive them would know how much they are loved by you.


We pray for all health workers and care staff in what can be  stressful and tiring work. Give them patience and compassion with all they look after, and help them to provide effective treatment.


Sunday. We pray for the deanery church of St Chad’s, Pattingham. Please guide them to find the right person to become their new minister, and help those who are working hard within the church as they wait.


Lord please bless all families who bring their children for baptism. May these children all grow up to love and follow you for themselves.


Today we think of those who are struggling to find suitable work, and those who have to work irregular and unreliable hours. We also pray for the JobCentre staff and those who assess and administer benefits. Help them to make good and fair decisions.


We pray today for our Christian brothers and sisters around the world who are persecuted because of their faith. Keep them strong, protect them and their families, and help those organisations who work on their behalf.


Today we pray for the criminal justice system in our country, for judges, barristers, and court staff. We bring to you all people doing jury service this week. Please help them make wise and right decisions in difficult cases, and support them through any distress.


We pray for our Life Groups, and for those following the Living Faith course. Please bless each group member as they learn and share together. Encourage those who lead the groups.


We pray for any who are struggling to maintain their faith in the face of life’s pressures. May they hear your voice and know your love for them. We pray for those who cannot pray for themselves.


Sunday. We pray today for our Archbishops and Bishops, as they  lead the Church of England through turbulent times. Give them wisdom and faith. May they always listen and follow your leading as the Chief Shepherd. Bless all staff who work with them.


Please protect all who work in our emergency services, as they carry out difficult and sometimes dangerous work. Help them make good decisions. Guard them from stress and burn-out.


We pray today for those trapped by addiction to drugs, alcohol, gambling or other harmful behaviours. Help them to find true freedom in Christ, and the help that they need to move forward.


We continue to pray for the situation in Ukraine, the Middle East, and other places where there is war and conflict. Please help those working for peace, and protect civilians who are caught up in danger.


Thank you for our Butterflies pre-school group, for all children and carers who attend. May they all have a happy time as they learn about your love. Please bless those who lead this group.


We pray for members of Parliament and local councillors. May they all act with integrity, seeking the good of all. We pray that there would be no abuse of power, but instead humility.


Please be close to all who are unwell in our community, those anxiously waiting the results of tests, those recovering from surgery, and those with long-term conditions.


Palm Sunday. As we celebrate Jesus the King, we pray for all who lead our worship, our choirs, worship band, and musicians. Help us all to worship and praise from our hearts.


Holy Week. We pray that this week we would take time to reflect and be close to Jesus in his journey to the cross. We ask for a special blessing on our clergy as they lead services this week.


We pray today for all who live in the homes around our church.  Bless each family and support them in any difficulties they are facing. Help them to find you through the ministries of our church. 


Lord, please support all who struggle with their mental health, with anxiety, depression, personality disorder, or other serious conditions. Help those who care for them at home or in hospitals.


Maundy Thursday. We pray for those who serve others sacrificially, doing humble tasks as they care for those in need. We pray that we would all have true servant hearts in our dealings with others.


Good Friday. At the foot of the cross, we bring to our Saviour all the hurt and pain we often carry, and our own needs, whatever they may be. May all find comfort in his wonderful love.


Holy Saturday. As we wait for the resurrection of Christ, we pray for all those who are waiting, for good news, for relief from suffering, for an end to war, for peace of heart and mind.


Easter Sunday. As we celebrate our risen Lord with Christians around the world, we pray for resurrection life and power to fill our lives and strengthen us all to continue to walk with him.

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