02/07/2024 0 Comments
Bart's Blog & July Prayer Diary
Bart's Blog & July Prayer Diary
# Bart's blog
Bart's Blog & July Prayer Diary
Earlier this year St Bart’s were successful in achieving the bronze level eco church award. This is awarded by the A Rocha UK foundation, who seek to demonstrate that the gospel is good news for God's earth. The award is achieved for meeting commitments to environmental standards across five different areas.
WORSHIP AND TEACHING, reflected in praying for environmental issues and the junior church re-using plastic bottles to make musical instruments.
BUILDINGS, reflected by installing a new efficient gas boiler and the use of LED light bulbs.
LAND, reflected in the re-wilding of part of the churchyard to promote native wildflowers and encouraging birds, bees and butterflies and promoting the use of church land for leisure and prayer.
COMMUNITY AND GLOBAL ENGAGEMENT, reflecting in meeting local councillors about the St Bart's conservation area, and supporting charities which promote sustainable development and the environment.
LIFESTYLE, reflected in having communal Christmas cards, and ensuring that churches funds are ethically invested.
The challenge now is to further develop our commitment to environment standards in line with God's teaching. Paul Beeston Transforming Communities Champion
The PCC has approved the following donations proposed by the Transforming Communities Committee, that as part of our tithing, St. Bart's will donate:
DEC Flood Appeal for Ukraine £1,000
Open Doors £500
Damascus Trust £500
Mercy Ships £500
Promise Dreams £500
Salvation Army £600
Compton Care £600
Wolverhampton City of Sanctuary £500
Wolverhampton Samaritans £500
Mission Without Borders £600
Solar Aid £500
Scripture Union £500
Practical Action £500
Tear Fund £500
The Haven £500 Paul Beeston Transforming Communities Champion
The Well Foodbank update
Following my previous request for food items/toiletries/household cleaners etc because of the urgent need for them for individuals and families throughout Wolverhampton and then to be greeted with a full trolley was fantastic - every item went immediately out so a sincere thank you everyone. Sadly the need for food donations is desperate in our town, we are not the only foodbank crying out for help so whatever contribution you can make will be greatly appreciated. Our local supermarkets do support us and for that we are grateful - if you would like to see how we operate or you might like someone to speak to your group then please contact me. 'It is in giving we receive' - Kay Stokes http://thewellwolverhampton.co.uk
BIG THANK YOU to everyone who provided one of the many beautiful flower arrangements at our Flower Festival, and anyone who helped in any way with stewarding, refreshments, plant stalls, open gardens etc. We are also very grateful to everyone who came and supported us last weekend. The event was a wonderfully happy occasion. Thank you all so much. Joy
REFRESHMENTS Thank you to everyone who either helped or provided the delicious cakes for the above. It was very much appreciated towards a wonderful weekend. Anne Edwards & Margaret Mottram
Wolverhampton City of Sanctuary Thank you all so much for your donations which are always appreciated and much needed. Always needed are kitchen and household items, children's clothes, toiletries and sanitary products. Special requests this week please for shoes (all sizes), especially trainers, electric razor, irons, toys for children of all ages.
Please do not deliver to Church. Please contact Annette Souter on Tel: 07952 777998 or annette_souter@hotmail.com Thank you very much for your ongoing support.
Bart’s Butterflies for babies and pre-school children
Please join us on Thursdays at 1.45pm in the Lady Chapel for lots of singing, stories and fun. All are welcome.
Open evening for handbells and change bells Please join us on Tuesday 4th July between 8pm and 9pm Anyone who is interested in just having a go, or finding out more, or maybe used to ring and wants to pick it back up is welcome - the more the merrier and no experience necessary.
The Diocesan Discipleship Course will run for 23/24 from September 13th, at 7pm in the Lady Chapel. It is three terms of 8 weeks.
It follows the church year so enhances what we are hearing about on a Sunday. No essays!
Plenty of opportunity to discuss the issues, from creation to the Trinity via incarnation and
salvation! For anyone and everyone.
For further details, please chat to Rev’d Alison, Rev’d Ben or leave your details with the Parish
Office and we will get back to you.
Do you collect thimbles?
Lawrence Anderson has 76 thimbles with 4 stands. If interested, please contact on 01902 337404
What’s on this week? | ||
Sunday 2nd July | 8.00am | Holy Communion |
10.00am | Parish Communion with Holy Baptism | |
11.45am | Family Communion in St Anne’s | |
5.30pm | Evensong | |
Monday 3rd July | 9.00am | Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel) |
10.00am | Coffee Morning | |
1.30pm | RIP Jean Kathleen Griffiths (Gornal Wood) | |
4.00pm | Hoodie Choir | |
Tuesday 4th July | 9.00am | Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel) |
9.30am/1.30pm | Painting in Penn (Church Hall) | |
Wednesday 5th July | 9.15am | Mid-week Holy Communion (Lady Chapel) |
1.30pm/6.30pm | Painting in Penn (Oak Room) | |
Thursday 6th July | 9.00am | Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel) |
1.45pm | Bart’s Butterflies (Lady Chapel/Oak Room) | |
Friday 7th July | 9.00am | Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel) |
4.00pm | Friday Prayers (Lady Chapel) | |
6.30pm/7.20pm | Trebles Rehearsal/Full Choir Rehearsal | |
Saturday 8th July | 9.00am | Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel) |
5.30pm | Holy Communion with Worship Band | |
Sunday 9th July | 8.00am | Holy Communion |
10.00am | Parish Communion with Worship Band | |
11.45am | All-age Worship in St Anne’s | |
5.30pm | Evensong |
Please pray for: Those for whom extra prayer is needed: Jackie Evans, Christine Plowman, Judy Bates, Lin Vawer, Alice Corbett, Jean Wellsbury, Rose Ferrier, Christopher Brookes, Thomas Griffiths, Clive Boucher, Mkenzie Jukes, Hilda Rawlings, Malcolm Wellsbury, Doris Taylor, Jeremy Oakley, Oli Morgan, Nunzia Padulano, Neil Etchells, Jim Clews. Please pray for: The family and friends of those who have died: Dennis Pitt, Jean Kathleen Griffiths, Julia Bishop, Iris Holdsworth, Jill Dodd. A message from Janet Shackleton : an opportunity to be heard I would like to offer one person the chance to explore Spiritual Direction with me over a 6 month period. I am currently in training for this and as part of the training I am invited to offer this opportunity. Spiritual Direction is a relationship where a ‘Companion’ (me) gives space to listen to another person’s experience of prayer and journey of faith. It’s a chance to explore what happens in prayer and to notice where God is in all that is happening in life. The Companion’s job is to listen and prompt in helpful ways that allow the person to grow in their own relationship with God. The meetings would take place approximately monthly for about 6 months, with no commitment on either side to go beyond that (unless we both decide to). Meetings would last up to an hour. The contents of meetings will be confidential. To support me, I will receive ‘Supervision’, which is for me to look at my own feelings, with the intention of enabling me to be a better Companion. If you would value this opportunity, please do contact me for a chat. janetshackleton@outlook.com 07981 142866Prayer Diary for July: Additional prayers can be found on the Lichfield Diocese website and Church of England website https://www.lichfield.anglican... https://www.churchofengland.or...1. As we pray for ourselves and others this month, we ask you, Lord, to increase our faith and confidence in you, and to listen for your response to our prayers. 2. Sunday. Today as we celebrate Jesus the King, we pray for all who lead our worship, our choirs, worship band, and musicians. Help us all to worship and praise from our hearts. 3. We pray for all world leaders, that they would seek the well-being of all. May they guide the nations into justice and peace. We ask that there would be cooperation rather than conflict. 4. Please give renewed energy to our school children and teachers as they come towards the end of another year together. Bless those pupils who will soon be leaving familiar schools to start in new places after the summer break. 5. We pray for all who have recently found faith. May we all continue to grow in our faith and love for our Lord. 6. We pray for all those who serve others sacrificially, doing humble tasks as they care for those in need. We pray that we would all have true servant hearts in our dealings with others. 7. At the foot of the cross, we bring to our Saviour all the hurt and pain we often carry, and our own needs, whatever they may be. May all find comfort in his wonderful love. 8. Please be close to all who attend the Saturday service this evening, and may the presence and power of the Holy Spirit touch each one who comes. 9. Sunday. As we worship today we remember Christians around the world. We pray for resurrection life and power to fill our lives and strengthen us all to continue to walk with him. We especially pray for brothers and sisters in places where it is dangerous to be known as a follower of Jesus. 10. We pray today for the church of St Benedict Biscop in Wombourne, for the congregation and leaders, for their outreach to the community, and for a readiness to adapt to change as their new Rector joins them. 11. Lord, we ask you to bless residents in care homes. May they find friendship together. Help the staff who care for them, in a busy and stressful environment. Give them patience and compassion. 12. Thank you, Lord, for those who run local small businesses. Help them with any financial problems or other pressures that they are facing due to recession. Help those who employ staff to be good bosses. May they always act with honesty and integrity. 13. We pray today for social workers, as they try to help some of the most vulnerable in society. Help them to set right priorities and to manage difficult situations with compassion and wisdom. 14. Today we ask you to bless our Bishops in their oversight of the churches. Please give wisdom to all who sit on committees and work in the Diocesan offices. 15. We give thanks for all who serve in our armed forces. Help the families who are separated. Protect those in dangerous places. Be with those who struggle when they leave to find new jobs and to fit in to a very different way of life. 16. Sunday. We pray today for our Junior Church, and all who lead and teach the children. May they grow up to know and love the Lord Jesus and follow him throughout their lives. 17. We pray for all suffering with poor mental health, with anxiety, depression, and other types of emotional distress. May your peace guard their hearts and minds. Give wisdom to all mental health nurses, doctors and therapists as they treat and support people. 18. We pray today for an end to the conflict in Ukraine, and for all who have been displaced, losing homes, family members, and security. 19. Lord, please be close to all who are unwell, in hospital or at home. Give them your peace and healing. Help those who are anxious waiting for diagnosis or going through difficult tests or procedures. 20. We pray for The Mothers’ Union. We pray that they will be encouraged in their faith and encourage each other. We also remember all the groups of M.U. members worldwide. 21. We ask you to help all whose lives are disrupted by earthquakes, floods, drought, and other extreme conditions. Please bless those who work with aid agencies. Help governments to respond with wisdom and compassion to all in need. 22. We pray for those who hire our halls for parties or other groups. Thank you for Donna who arranges the bookings, and the facilities that we are able to share with our community. 23. Sunday. Thank you, Lord, for our clergy and for all they do to lead and encourage us to follow you more closely. Please bless them and their families and help them in any difficult situations. 24. Pray today for all our local councillors, of whatever political affiliation. Help them to act with integrity and make decisions that will benefit those in most need. 25. We pray for all who preach and teach in our churches. Help them as they prepare, to understand your word for us, and to be able to explain it in a way that inspires us in our Christian life. 26. Please be close to the families and friends of those who have died recently, and those grieving the loss of someone close. Please guide those preparing to lead funerals. Give them sensitivity in their planning and may the services be filled with your love. 27. We pray for all who come to Butterflies and for those who organise and run it. We give thanks for all who take time to share the love of the Lord to children of all ages. 28. Please help all those who are homeless or in temporary accommodation. Take care of those living in refugee camps and on our streets, protect them from danger, and provide a safe home for them. 29. Today we pray for King Charles. We also pray for other members of the royal family, as they live in the media spotlight. May they always speak and act wisely. 30. Sunday. We pray today for all who lead services at St Anne’s. As adults and children meet regularly for worship there, please grow their numbers and their love for you. 31. We pray today for families who are on holiday. May they be refreshed and enjoy spending time together. Please keep everyone safe in all their adventures and travels. |