Bart's Blog

Bart's Blog

Bart's Blog

# Bart's blog

Bart's Blog

The Well Foodbank 

The Well has been in existence in Wolverhampton for 16 years and now delivers parcels to 120 homes a week, in August 2022 it had delivered 100k parcels to individuals. A big thank you to those that support The Well by donating food items, toiletries etc, we are very appreciative of the support you are able to give. Sadly our stocks in specific items are very low whereas we have a plentiful supply of pasta and biscuits -  we are particularly short of meat soups, jam/marmalade, noodles, sugar, fruit drinks, long life milk, pasta and rice sachets, bags of rice, custard, male and female toiletries (shower gel/shampoo/deodrant) sanitary products, bars of soap, cat and dog food, household cleaning items, tinned peas - any size. Your donations whatever amount are, they will be used, please place them in the trolley at the back of church - so thank you. 'It is in giving we receive' Kay Stokes

Wolverhampton City of Sanctuary  

City of Sanctuary would welcome the following: household items such as towels, cushions and curtains, kitchen items including pots and pans, toasters, kettles etc. toys and games, baby items, children’s clothes, shoes for all ages, and adult clothes (smaller sizes especially for men).  Special request please for a large suitcase, irons, thermos flasks, blenders and food processors and shoes (trainers or flat) for children and adults, all sizes. 

Please do not deliver to Church. I am sorry we are unable to take large furniture at the moment unless you are able to deliver it yourself. Please contact Annette Souter on Tel: 07952 777998 or   Thank you very much for your ongoing support. 


Book & Bric a Brac fayre Sunday 30th April 11.30am till 4.00pm             50p entry

Come and have a browse through our vast collection of books and find a bargain in our household items. There will also be refreshments.

Please come and support our event as the proceeds will be going towards some much needed new stage stairs.

West Midlands Concert Band

Will be performing our Annual concert for all ages in church on Saturday 20th May - 

Doors open 7pm and the concert starts at 7.30pm.

£5.00 adults & £2.50 children. Refreshments and raffle.

This concert will also be held to support the Church Hall and all proceeds will be going towards the much needed new stage stairs.

Please come and join us for a fantastic evening of entertainment.

For any further information on either events please call Donna on 07546 527300

Mothers’ Union will be meeting in the Oak Room on Tuesday 18th April at 2.30pm.

The Guest Speaker will be Matthew Dixon – Stories of a Fireman.

Everyone is welcome.

The next Diocesan Day of Prayer is from noon Wednesday 19th - noon Thursday 20th April. Rev Rich Clarkson will be leading the hour for Trysull Deanery from 11am - noon on Thursday 20th from outside St Peter’s, Kinver, weather permitting, looking North over the whole Diocese. Everyone is welcome. It will also be possible to join via ZOOM, please contact Rev Rich at St Peter's for ZOOM details.


APCM 2023 - Sunday 23rd April

This year the APCM is due to be held on Sunday 23rd April during the 10am service at St. Bart's. 

Details regarding the number of PCC & Deanery Synod representatives set to be elected, are near the entrance of St. Bart's & St. Anne's, along with paper copies of nomination sheets.

Those interested in putting themselves forward for one of the available positions must ensure that completed nomination forms are returned to Rev. Preb. Ben prior to the meeting date.

Q&A's - Responses to the questions/comments raised at the 2022 APCM can be downloaded from the website page: 

The APCM report pack is now available; thank you to all those who have contributed to this.

Friends’ Quiz Night.

The Friends Of St Bart's and St Anne's are holding a Quiz Night on Friday 28th April at 7.00pm in the Oak Room. Please come and join us for an evening of good fun. There will be prizes for the winning team and a raffle will be held during the evening. The cost of the evening is £5.00 which includes tea, coffee, squash and nibbles. Teams will be in groups of six but if you are not part of a group we will include you in a group. Numbers are limited so please reserve your place early. Please contact Anne Edwards for a letter and reply form. Anne can be contacted on 01902 337478 or by email  Anne will be in Church on Sunday mornings at the 10.00am service. We look forward to seeing you.

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Bart’s Butterflies  Please join us on Thursdays at 1.45pm in the Lady Chapel for lots of singing, stories and fun. All are welcome. St Barts

Church Floodlighting:  If you wish the Church to be floodlit in memory of a loved-one or the celebrate a special anniversary, birthday etc, please contact the Parish Office. The cost is only £15 and the Church is lit from dusk to midnight.

What’s on this week?


16th April


Holy Communion


Parish Communion


All-age Worship at St Anne’s




17th April


Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel)


Coffee Morning


Hoodie Choir (Church)




Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel)


Painting in Penn (Church Hall)


Mothers’ Union (Oak Room) 

Wednesday 19th April


Mid-week Holy Communion (Lady Chapel)


Painting in Penn (Oak Room)


20th April


Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel)


Bart’s Butterflies (Church/Oak Room)


RIP Dorothy & Alan Salt (Bushbury East Chapel)


21st April


Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel)


RIP Patricia Whiston (Bushbury East Chapel)


RIP David Mullin (Bushbury East Chapel)


22nd April


Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel)




23rd April



Holy Communion


Parish Communion & APCM 


Holy Baptism Service



Please pray for: Those for whom extra prayer is needed:

Jackie Evans,  Christine Plowman,  Julia Bishop,  Dave Charles,  Dennis Pitt,  Judy Bates,  Lin Vawer,  Alice Corbett,  Jean Wellsbury,  Rose Ferrier,  Christopher Brookes,  Ann Evans,  Thomas Griffiths,  Clive Boucher,  Mkenzie Jukes,  Hilda Rawlings,  Malcolm Wellsbury,  Harry Crocker,  Doris Taylor,  Jeremy Oakley,  Richard Kelly,  Brian Hopson,  Grace Simkin,  Bishop Steven Abbarrow,  

Margaret Berrow.

Please pray for: The family and friends of those who have died:

Dorothy Salt,  Alan Salt,  Pat Whiston,  David Mullin,  Florian Tushi,  Marie Powers.

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  St Bartholomew's Church   ·   Church Hill, Penn, Wolverhampton, WV4 5JB       01902 576809
