02/07/2024 0 Comments
Bart's Blog
Bart's Blog
# Bart's blog
Bart's Blog
Volunteers from RAZOM, the Welcome Centre for displaced Ukrainians, in Wolverhampton and surrounding areas will be selling their crafts after Sunday Service on 2nd April 2023 in the Oak Room at St Bart’s. They are raising funds for RAZOM, so that together with our help they can continue to support their Ukrainian guests!!
Thank you Дякую
Book & Bric a Brac fayre Sunday 30th April 11.30am till 4.00pm 50p entry
Come and have a browse through our vast collection of books and find a bargain in our household items. There will also be refreshments.
Please come and support our event as the proceeds will be going towards some much needed new stage stairs.
West Midlands concert band
Will be performing our Annual concert for all ages in church on Saturday 20th May -
Doors open 7pm and the concert starts at 7.30pm.
£5.00 adults & £2.50 children. Refreshments and raffle.
This concert will also be held to support the Church Hall and all proceeds will be going towards the much needed new stage stairs.
Please come and join us for a fantastic evening of entertainment.
For any further information on either events please call Donna on 07546 527300
LENTEN ART, 1st April 12-5pm After the success of the Advent Art project we are running a Lenten Art session. Express part of the Easter story in art, a passage of scripture will be read three times to inspire you. Teaching, soup and bread lunch, all the art materials you require. Numbers limited to 20.
Suggested minimum donation £5. Any questions please speak to Rev’d Alison.
The next Penn Residents Association meeting is on March 28th at 7.30pm.
Doors open at 7.00pm at Penn Bowling Club, Manor Road. Everyone is welcome.
"APCM 2023 - Sunday 23rd April
This year the APCM is due to be held on Sunday 23rd April during the 10am service at St. Bart's.
Details regarding the number of PCC & Deanery Synod representatives set to be elected, are to be placed near the entrance of St. Bart's & St. Anne's shortly, along with paper copies of nomination sheets.
Those interested in putting themselves forward for one of the available positions must ensure that completed nomination forms are returned to Rev. Preb. Ben prior to the meeting date.
Q&A's - Responses to the questions/comments raised at the 2022 APCM can be downloaded from the website page: www.stbarts.org.uk/pcc
We anticipate that the APCM report pack will be available from the 9th April; thank you to all those who have contributed to this."
EASTER SUNDAY BREAKFAST Breakfast will be served after the 6.15am Service until 9.30am. Anyone else is most welcome to join us, either before or after the 8.00am Service or before the 10.00am Service. Breakfast will finish at 9.30am. PLEASE NOTE: Coffee will not be available after the 10.00am Service on this day.
Gift Aid Tax Certificates
If you need a Gift Aid Tax Certificate, so that you can complete your 22/23 Tax return, could you please let me know.
You can either call me 01902 336822, or better email me barbedwards1948@outlook.com
If you have had a certificate in previous years I have your name on my list so no need to do anything. Just for me, on behalf of Rev Ben and our PCC to thank you for your donations, it really is very much appreciated. Barbara Edwards
Prayer with anointing during Lent
We will again be offering an opportunity for individual prayer and anointing following Saturday 5.30 and Sunday 10.00 services during Lent. Please come to the Lady Chapel immediately after the service. There will be someone ready to pray with you, either for a specific need that you want to share, or simply for God's blessing on your life.
Electoral Roll – Revision Time
The church electoral roll is open for revision until Palm Sunday (2nd April). If you are already on, then there’s nothing you need to do. If you need to change any of your details – you’ve moved or changed your name and want to let us know or if you’d like to be added to the roll then please collect a form from me or the office and return it to the Parish Office.
Catherine Pugh Electoral Roll Officer
Penn Singers present Springtime
Guest Artist: Laura Davies Penn United Reformed Church (WV4 5QP)
Saturday 1st April 2023 Starts at 7.30pm Tickets £9.00
Contact Pauline Hollington 07881 911107
What’s on this week? | ||
Sunday 26th March | 8.00am | Holy Communion |
10.00am | Parish Communion | |
11.45am | All-age Worship in St Anne’s | |
5.30pm | Evensong | |
Monday 27th March | 9.00am | Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel) |
9.00 – 11.00am/2.00 – 3.00pm | Experience Easter (School) | |
10.00am | Coffee Morning | |
12.45pm | Funeral RIP Rob Jones (Church/Sytch Lane) | |
4.00pm | Hoodie Choir | |
7.30pm | PCC Meeting (St Anne’s Church) | |
Tuesday 28th March | 9.00am | Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel) |
9.00 – 11.00am/2.00 – 3.00pm | Experience Easter (School) | |
9.30am/1.30pm | Painting in Penn (Church Hall) | |
7.00pm | Marriage Preparation (Oak Room) | |
Wednesday 29th March | 9.15am | Mid-week Holy Communion (Lady Chapel) |
1.30pm/6.30pm | Painting in Penn (Oak Room) | |
7.00pm | Everyday Witness (Lady Chapel) | |
Thursday 30th March | 9.00am | Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel) |
1.45pm | Bart’s Butterflies (Church/Oak Room) | |
8.00pm | Alpha Course (Oak Room) | |
Friday 31st March | 9.00am | Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel) |
9.00am | St Bart’s School – End of Term Service | |
6.30pm/7.20pm | Trebles Rehearsal/Full Choir Rehearsal | |
Saturday 1st April | 9.00am | Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel) |
12.00pm – 5.00pm | Lenten Art Project (Oak Room) | |
5.30pm | Holy Communion | |
Sunday 2nd April PALM SUNDAY | 8.00am | Holy Communion |
10.00am | Palm Sunday Eucharist | |
11.30am | Palm Sunday Procession at St Anne’s | |
5.30pm | Choral Evensong |
Please Pray for: Those for whom extra prayer is needed:
Jackie Evans, Christine Plowman, Julia Bishop, Dave Charles, Dennis Pitt, Jill Dodd, Judy Bates, Florian Tushi, Lin Vawer, Alice Corbett, Jean Wellsbury, Rose Ferrier, Christopher Brookes, Rosie
Ann Evans, Thomas Griffiths, Clive Boucher, Mkenzie Jukes, Hilda Rawlings, Malcolm Wellsbury.
Please pray for: The family and friends of those who have died: Rob Jones, Edward Reade (Eddie), Petros Makris, Dorothy Salt, Alan Salt, Jean Ward, Pat Whiston, Janet Anderson Roy Griffiths, Sheila Hammonds, Christopher Edwards, David Mullin, Martin Potter.
April 2023
God of glory,
by the raising of your Son you have broken the chains of death and hell:
fill your Church with faith and hope;
for a new day has dawned and the way to life stands open
in our Saviour Jesus Christ.
Additional prayers can be found on the Lichfield Diocese website and Church of England website
1. As we pray for ourselves and others this month, we ask you, Lord,
to increase our faith and confidence in you, and to listen for your
response to our prayers.
2. Palm Sunday. As we celebrate Jesus the King, we pray for all
who lead our worship, our choirs, worship band, and musicians.
Help us all to worship and praise from our hearts.
3. Holy Week. We pray that this week we would take time to reflect
and be close to Jesus in his journey to the cross. We ask for a
special blessing on our clergy as they lead services this week.
4. We pray for our Bishops, and especially for Bishop Clive as he
retires from his role as Bishop of Wolverhampton. Please guide
and bless him in his future.
5. We pray for all who have recently found faith. May we all continue
to grow in our faith and love for our Lord.
6. Maundy Thursday. We pray for those who serve others
sacrificially, doing humble tasks as they care for those in need. We
pray that we would all have true servant hearts in our dealings
with others.
7. Good Friday. At the foot of the cross, we bring to our Saviour all
the hurt and pain we often carry, and our own needs, whatever
they may be. May all find comfort in his wonderful love.
8. Holy Saturday. As we wait for the resurrection of Christ, we pray
for all those who are waiting, for good news, for relief from
suffering, for an end to war, for peace of heart and mind.
9. Easter Sunday. As we celebrate our risen Lord with Christians
around the world, we pray for resurrection life and power to fill
our lives and strengthen us all to continue to walk with him. We
especially pray for brothers and sisters in places where it is
dangerous to be known as a follower of Jesus.
10. We pray today for families who are on holiday. May they be
refreshed and enjoy spending time together. Please keep everyone
safe in all their adventures and travels.
11. Lord, we ask you to bless residents in care homes. May they find
friendship together. Help the staff who care for them, in a busy
and stressful environment. Give them patience and compassion.
12. Thank you, Lord, for those who run local small businesses. Help
them with any financial problems or other pressures that they are
facing due to recession. Help those who employ staff to be good
bosses. May they always act with honesty and integrity.
13. We pray today for social workers, as they try to help some of the
most vulnerable in society. Help them to set right priorities and to
manage difficult situations with compassion and wisdom.
14. We pray for those who worship at St Joseph’s Merry Hill. Help
them as they reach out to their local area, and encourage them as
they serve you together.
15. We give thanks for all who serve in our armed forces. Help the
families who are separated. Protect those in dangerous places. Be
with those who struggle when they leave to find new jobs and to fit
in to a very different way of life.
16. Sunday. We pray today for our Junior Church, and all who lead
and teach the children. May they grow up to know and love the
Lord Jesus and follow him throughout their lives.
17. We pray for all suffering with poor mental health, with anxiety,
depression, and other types of emotional distress. May your peace
guard their hearts and minds. Give wisdom to all mental health
nurses, doctors and therapists as they treat and support people.
18. We pray today for an end to the conflict in Ukraine, and for all who
have been displaced, losing homes, family members, and security.
19. Lord, please be close to all who are unwell, in hospital or at home.
Give them your peace and healing. Help those who are anxious
waiting for diagnosis or going through difficult tests or procedures.
20. We pray for The Mothers’ Union. We pray that they will be
encouraged in their faith and encourage each other. We also
remember all the groups of M.U. members worldwide.
21. We ask you to help all whose lives are disrupted by earthquakes,
floods, drought, and other extreme conditions. Please bless those
who work with aid agencies. Help governments to respond with
wisdom and compassion to all in need.
22. We pray for those who hire our halls for parties or other groups.
Thank you for Donna who arranges the bookings, and the facilities
that we are able to share with our community.
23. Sunday. Today is our Annual Church Meeting. We pray for
everyone involved, for good discussion, and especially for those
standing for election as churchwardens and PCC representatives.
24. Pray today for all our local councillors, of whatever political
affiliation. Help them to act with integrity and make decisions that
will benefit those in most need.
25. We pray for all who preach and teach in our churches. Help them
as they prepare, to understand your word for us, and to be able to
explain it in a way that inspires and encourages us in our Christian
26. Please be close to the families and friends of those who have died
recently, and those still grieving the loss of someone close. Please
guide those preparing to lead funerals. Give them sensitivity in
their planning and may the services be filled with your love.
27. We pray for all who come to Butterflies and for those who organise
and run it. We give thanks for all who take time to share the love of
the lord to children of all ages.
28. Please help all those who are homeless or in temporary
accommodation. Take care of those living in refugee camps and on
our streets, protect them from danger, and provide a safe home for
29. Today we pray for King Charles, as he prepares for his coronation
next week. We also pray for other members of the royal family, as
they live in the media spotlight. May they always speak and act
30. Sunday. We pray for the Good Shepherd church in Castlecroft,
within our Deanery. As they meet for worship, we ask you to bless
them and make them a blessing to their local community.