Bart's Blog

Bart's Blog

Bart's Blog

# Bart's blog

Bart's Blog

The Well Foodbank Thank you to so many of you that donate generously with food items, toiletries and household cleaners that go out every week to individuals and families in the Wolverhampton area, particularly at this time when life is proving difficult for so many people. We have certainly seen a reduction in the amount of items coming in, which is understandable. There are lists attached to the trolley at the back of the church if you are unsure of what goes out, but we are desperately short of the following: marmalade, jam, sugar, pasta sachets, rice sachets, bags of rice, milk, shower gel, shampoo, deodrants, loo rolls, sanitary products, household cleaning items, large size nappies. Another way you can help and children can be involved in this is the Reverse Advent Calendar, details can be found on The Well website but simply involves putting one item in a day into a carrier bag and then putting your bag in our church trolley. Once again thank you for your generosity - 'It is in giving we receive' - if you want to know more chat with me Kay Stokes.        

Wolverhampton City of Sanctuary  Happy New Year everyone. City of Sanctuary would welcome the following : household items such as towels, cushions and curtains , kitchen items including pots and pans, toasters, kettles etc. toys and games, baby items, children’s clothes, shoes for all ages, and adult clothes ( smaller sizes especially for men).  We are often asked for hoovers and microwaves. Please do not deliver to Church. I am sorry we are unable to take large furniture at the moment unless you are able to deliver it yourself. Please contact Annette Souter on Tel: 07952 777998 or   Thank you very much for your ongoing support. 

Painting In Penn will commence its next intake for new budding water colour artists on Tuesday 10th January 2023 at 2pm and Wednesday 11th January at 2pm.

Please contact Ron Mottram at or the Parish Office on 01902 576809 for further details. There are no vacancies for the Wednesday Evening Class.   Ron Mottram.

Bart’s Butterflies   Thursdays at 1.45pm in the Lady Chapel (term time) Please join us for lots of singing, stories and fun. All are welcome.

 Mothers’ Union Holy Communion will be held in Church on Wednesday 11th January at 10.30am. Everyone is welcome.

EVERYDAY WITNESS, a journey of sharing faith. This new C of E course will run for 10 weeks with a break for half term and Ash Wednesday. Venue - Lady Chapel starting Wednesday 11th January 7.00pm - 8 30pm. Cost - approximately £5 for reflective journal. There are activities for large groups inc. congregations, small groups and individual bible reading notes. We are all called and sent as witnesses of Jesus. “Everyday witness takes this as truth and then sets us on our way in living it” Archbishop Justin Welby. Please speak to Rev’d Alison or leave your details at the office. 

Sunday 8th January


Christingle Service at St Anne’s

Sunday 22nd January 


Epiphany Carol Service

The Alpha Course 2023

Thursdays at 8.00pm in the Oak Room 

The course will also be online hosted by a zoom call

If you would like to be Confirmed or just wish to learn more about the Christian Faith, please join us with this year’s Alpha Course.

Course dates for your diary -  

19th January Christianity-boring, untrue and irrelevant?

26th January    Who is Jesus?

2nd February Why did Jesus die?

9th February How can I be sure of my faith?

16th February Why & how should I read the Bible?

2nd March How & why should I pray?          

9th March How can I resist evil and why & how should I tell others?

16th March How does God guide us?

23rd March What about the Church? 

30th March How can I make the most of the rest of my life?

Date to be confirmed    (Saturday) Holy Spirit Day

The course is totally free of charge and ‘easy come, easy go’. If, after a couple of weeks you are not enjoying it feel free to drop out and that is fine. 

God bless you!

What’s on this week?


8th January


Holy Communion


Parish Communion with Worship Band


Christingle Service at St Anne’s




9th January


Morning Prayer  (Lady Chapel)


Coffee Morning


Hoodie Choir


10th January


Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel)


Painting in Penn (Church Hall)


11th January


Mid-week Holy Communion (Lady Chapel)


Mothers’ Union Holy Communion (Church)


Painting in Penn (Oak Room)


Everyday Witness (Lady Chapel)


12th January


Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel)


Bart’s Butterflies (Church/Oak Room)


13th January


Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel)

4.00pm – 5.00pm

Friday Prayers (Lady Chapel)


Trebles Rehearsal/Full Choir Rehearsal


14th January


Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel)


Holy Communion 


15th January


Holy Communion


Parish Communion 


All-age Worship in St Anne’s



Please Pray for: Those for whom extra prayer is needed: 

Jackie Evans,  Christine Plowman,  Julia Bishop,  Dave Charles,  Dennis Pitt,  Jill Dodd,  Judy Bates,  Florian Tushi,  Lin Vawer,  Andrew Bailey,  Alice Corbett,  Rob Jones,  Margaret Berrow,  

Farrah Hunter-Coley,  Brian Hopson,  Jane Turner,  Thomas Griffiths,  Bishop Steven Abbarrow,  

Grace Simkin, Jean Wellsbury.

Please pray for: The family and friends of those who have died:

Barbara Dixon,  Irene Perry,  Alfred Rooke (Alfie),  Helen Tranter,  Philip Marsh,  Betty Parkes.




  January 2023


O God, who by a star

Guided the magi to the worship of your Son

We pray you to lead to yourself

The wise and great of every land

That unto you every knee may bow,

And every thought be brought into captivity

Through Jesus Christ our Lord.

(the church in Jerusalem and the Middle East)

More information and prayers can be found on the Lichfield Diocese website


SUNDAY NEW YEAR’S DAY    We remember that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. Let us re-dedicate our lives to Him who loves us and has redeemed us.


We give thanks for all who come to the Coffee Morning and for Joy, Jo and Sally who run it. We give thanks for all who have found new friends here.


Matlosane - We give thanks for the many small churches in this huge diocese in South Africa and pray for the many faithful pastors who travel long distances to visit, take services and to pray for people.


We pray for all who come to the Mid-Week Communion Service led by Alison. We give thanks for all our clergy and pray that they will be encouraged and filled with Your Spirit in all they do.


We pray for all who come to Butterflies and for those who organise and run it. We give thanks for all who take time to share the love of the lord to children of all ages,  praying that they will each come to know the Lord for themselves.


Guide, we pray all who come to Friday Prayers today. We also pray for all those who sing in our church Hoodie Choir who practise after school on a Monday, and Senior Choir who practise today.


The band is leading our worship this weekend - we give thanks for all who play and sing in the band. Refresh and strengthen them as they play and sing, that all who hear them will be inspired in worship.


SUNDAY    We give thanks for all who come to St Anne’s today. We also pray for all our clergy and lay readers that they may be filled afresh with Your Spirit as they serve your people by their ministry.


We pray for all who lead Morning Prayer each day and those who come to pray and worship. We pray today for anyone we know who is in special need in any way.


We give thanks for those who live in our link diocese of Mechlenberg in North Germany. We pray for the clergy and people that they will be encouraged and strengthened in their faith.


Alison is running a course called Everyday Witness today. We pray for her as she leads it and for all who come.


We pray for people in prison that they will get the help they need to turn their lives around both while they are in prison and when they leave prison to begin a new life.


We pray today for victims of crime who often struggle to get the help and support that they need. We also pray for people who help to support victims of crime. 


We pray today for all who work in our NHS, especially those who have been on strike and their colleagues. We pray that they and the  government will be able to talk and listen to each other.


SUNDAY    There are often baptisms on the third Sunday We pray for all the families linked with St Bart’s that they will grow together in the Lord.


We give thanks for chaplains in schools, hospitals and places of work that they will be able to listen to people and be of help to them.


The Mothers’ Union meet today. We pray that they will be encouraged in their faith and encourage each other. We also remember all the groups of M.U. members worldwide.


We pray today for Anthony Arul a vicar in Malaysia. It is not always easy to be a Christian in his country - may he and his family know good health and be an encouragement to all in their parish.


We pray for churches in our link diocese in Asia, that both clergy and people may be strengthened in their faith and encouraged in their walk with the Lord.


We give thanks for all who faithfully serve in our Emergency services. May those who are stressed get the help and support that they need. May the government make right decisions about the NHS.


We give thanks for all who serve in our armed forces. Help the families who are separated. Be with those who struggle when they leave to find new jobs and to fit in to a very different way of life.


SUNDAY    EPIPHANY CAROL SERVICE    We pray for the Epiphany Carol Service today, when we remember the wise men who came seeking to see Jesus to worship him. Lord, help us to seek you and find you as they did.


We pray for people trapped in abusive relationships. Help those who want to escape to find safe places to go and build a new, safe life. We pray for those who seek to help the abusers.


We give thanks for the Knit and Natter group that good friendships may be made. We give thanks for the many garments that this group has made for people in need.


We pray for all those working with the First Nation peoples in Canada, especially those seeking to sort situations where there has been injustice in the past.


We pray for our prime minister and all those in our government. Give them wisdom in all the decisions that they make. Help them to listen to people in need and to appreciate those who disagree with them.


There are many problems in our hospitals, many due to under funding over a long period of time, but some due to misuse of money. Be with those with authority to decide how money is spent that it will go the the right places where it is needed.


We give thanks and pray for all who work in our Care homes and for the many carers who visit folk in their homes to give care and support. We also pray for people who care for loved ones at home.


SUNDAY    We pray for people seeking Jesus today. We remember those who make and send out Christian radio services, and those who send or take bibles to countries where they are not easily available.


We pray for people looking for work in these challenging times. Help them to use their time wisely and not to lose hope.


Many of our roads are in a bad state of repair. Help our councils to organise their finances and the work force to get repairs done.

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  St Bartholomew's Church   ·   Church Hill, Penn, Wolverhampton, WV4 5JB       01902 576809
