Bart's Blog

Bart's Blog

Bart's Blog

# Bart's blog

Bart's Blog

The Well Foodbank Thank you to so many of you that donate generously with food items, toiletries and household cleaners that go out every week to individuals and families in the Wolverhampton area, particularly at this time when life is proving difficult for so many people. We have certainly seen a reduction in the amount of items coming in, which is understandable, even taking into account Harvest time. There are lists attached to the trolley at the back of the church if you are unsure of what goes out, but we are desperately short of the following: marmalade, jam, sugar, pasta sachets, rice sachets, bags of rice, milk, shower gel, shampoo, deodrants, loo rolls, sanitary products, household cleaning items, large size nappies. Another way you can help and children can be involved in this is the Reverse Advent Calendar, details can be found on The Well website but simply involves putting one item in a day into a carrier bag and then putting your bag in our church trolley. Once again thank you for your generosity - 'It is in giving we receive' - if you want to know more chat with me Kay Stokes.        

Wolverhampton City of Sanctuary  A big thankyou to all those who have so generously supported City of Sanctuary this year. You have made a real difference to many lives. I would like to take a break from collecting donations in December as there is a lot of work to be done and a backlog to clear! Then we could have a fresh start in the New Year. Thank you again for all your support and very best wishes for a Happy Christmas.        Annette.

 Applications for St Bartholomew’s Primary School for 2023 Admission

If you are looking for the church to support your application for a school place you will need to:-

1 Download the Supplementary Information Form from school website.

2 Complete Section 1.

3 Pass the whole form to us, and include a potted history of your worship at St Bart’s.

4 Let us have a telephone number where we can contact you to either discuss more, or tell you when the form has been completed. The forms will be dealt with as they come in.  Thank You.

Painting In Penn will commence its next intake for new budding water colour artists on Tuesday 10th January 2023 at 2pm and Wednesday 11th January at 2pm.

Please contact Ron Mottram at or the Parish Office on 01902 576809 for further details. There are no vacancies for the Wednesday Evening Class.   Ron Mottram.

 Bart’s Butterflies - Thursdays at 1.45pm in the Lady Chapel (term time)

Our last meeting before the Christmas holidays will be Thursday 15th December. We return on Thursday 5th January at 1.45pm in the Lady Chapel. Please join us for lots of singing, stories and fun. All are welcome.

ANOINTING - will be offered after the 10am service throughout advent in the Lady Chapel..



Sunday 18th December


Carol Service with Hoodie Choir


Carol Service by Candlelight


Carol Service by Candlelight 


To everyone that supported the fayre, our helpers worked above and beyond to pull this together on the day and behind the scenes. Thank you for your commitment and all your hard work, it is very much appreciated and we are always extremely grateful for your support - and of course thank you to everyone that came, it was a very lively enjoyable afternoon and the bands and stalls were looking fantastic in the Hall. 

Thank you for supporting us and Merry Christmas and New Year to everyone.

NOW !! ( Ladies & Gents )

LOOK out for more information in January!!  

We need to increase our hospitality team not just for Christmas, but all year round as there are only a few of us. If you could help either for the fayre and possibly a few hours helping for another occasion in church please look out for an open meeting to be held over tea and coffee in the Oak Room.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all, God Bless, Donna Williams.

EVERYDAY WITNESS, a journey of sharing faith. This new C of E course will run for 10 weeks with a break for half term and Ash Wednesday. Venue - Lady Chapel starting Wednesday 11th January 7pm - 8 30pm. Cost - approximately £5 for reflective journal. There are activities for large groups inc. congregations, small groups and individual bible reading notes. We are all called and sent as witnesses of Jesus. “Everyday witness takes this as truth and then sets us on our way in living it” Archbishop Justin Welby. Please speak to Rev’d Alison or leave your details at the office.

Mothers’ Union Carol Concert will be held in Church on Wednesday 14th December at 10.30am. Everyone is welcome.

 The Church will be floodlit on the evening of Friday 18th December in loving memory of Michael Harrison on his birthday

What’s on this week?


12th December


Morning Prayer  (Lady Chapel)


Coffee Morning


Hoodie Choir


Highfields Carol Concert (Church)


13th December


Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel)


Funeral RIP Jean Dean (Church/Bushbury East Chapel)


14th December


Mid-week Holy Communion (Lady Chapel)


Mothers’ Union Carol Concert (Church)


15th December


Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel)


St Bart’s Early Years End of Term Service (Church)


Bart’s Butterflies (Church/Oak Room)


Councillor Surgery – Celia Hibbert (Oak Room)


16th December

No Morning Prayer


St Bart’s School End of Term Service (Church)


Penn Hall School End of Term Service (Church)

4.00pm – 5.00pm

Friday Prayers (Lady Chapel)


Trebles Rehearsal/Full Choir Rehearsal

Saturday 17th December


Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel)


Holy Communion 

Sunday 18th December


Holy Communion


Parish Communion 


All-age Worship in St Anne’s


Carol Service with Hoodie Choir


Carol Service by Candlelight


Carol Service by Candlelight

Please Pray for: Those for whom extra prayer is needed: 

Jeanette Saunders,  Wendy Carly,  Jackie Evans,  Christine Plowman,  Vi Bayliss,  Julia Bishop,  

Dave Charles,  Dennis Pitt,  Jill Dodd,  Rose Ferrier,  Judy Bates,  Florian Tushi, Lin Vawer,  

Andrew Bailey,  Alice Corbett,  Rob Jones,  Margaret Berrow,  Farrah Hunter-Coley.

Please pray for: The family and friends of those who have died:

Jean Dean,  Donatus Osakwe,  Rita Woodward,  Geoffrey Slater,  Marjorie Flynn.

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  St Bartholomew's Church   ·   Church Hill, Penn, Wolverhampton, WV4 5JB       01902 576809
