02/07/2024 0 Comments
Bart's blog
Bart's blog
# Bart's blog
Bart's blog
Commonwealth Games Thursday 4th August - Bell Ringing Wolverhampton is proud to be hosting the men and women’s Cycling Time Trial as part of the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games on Thursday 4th August between 10am – 4pm.
The Well Foodbank Particularly needed right now are tinned vegetables of all kinds, especially tinned potatoes, tinned fruit, rice pudding, any other tinned puddings, rice and pasta sachets, toiletries, large size nappies. Other tinned or dried items also welcome. PLEASE AVOID out-of-date items, opened packets & fresh foods, as these cannot be used. If you would like to help please add your donation to the trolley at the back of church and it will rapidly find its way to someone in need.
For more information http://thewellwolverhampton.co.uk
Wolverhampton City of SanctuaryThank you all so much for your donations which are always appreciated and much needed.Always needed are kitchen and household items, children's clothes and toys, toiletries and sanitary products. Special requests this week please for a bike suitable for a 3 year old, a small chest freezer, a small fridge/freezer, a double pushchair, a blender/food processor, pots and pans, cutlery and a microwave.Please do not deliver to Church. Please contact Annette Souter on Tel: 07952 777998 or annette_souter@hotmail.com Thankyou very much for your ongoing support.
Unfortunately the Afternoon at the Opera Garden Party on Saturday 23rd July at Penn Hall has had to be postponed due to unforeseen circumstances. We are hoping to reschedule the event for September. Further details to follow in due course.
PENN PUPPETS, which is an ecumenical group set up 20 years ago, is going back into Primary Schools, following a two year break caused by the pandemic. We rely on volunteers from all the Churches in Penn, and need to recruit a few more, especially from St Bart’s (!), to join the Team. No previous experience or skill with puppets is needed, just some energy and enthusiasm!If you may be interested, please contact Lesley Cook on 0784-0128-510, or email her at ……lesleyvcook@btinternet.com
Wanted wool for prayer shawls We are looking for wool of any thickness and any amount to be knitted into prayer shawls. Smaller balls can be knitted together to make striped shawls. Each shawl uses about 300m of yarn. Any donations please contact Saskia saskia.poller@gmail.com or Sue in the church office. Thank you.
Bristol Cathedral The Friends of St Bart’s and St Anne’s are organising a trip to Bristol Cathedral on Saturday 20th August 2022 to hear our wonderful Choir sing Evensong. The coach will leave St Bart’s at 9.00am and return to Penn after Evensong leaving at approximately 6.30pm. The cost of the trip is £22 for Friends and £24 for guests. This will leave you time to look around the Cathedral, have some lunch and explore Bristol, which is a very interesting city. As the numbers for this trip will be limited to 55, it is essential that you book as soon as possible. In the event of a big demand, we will reserve the right to offer the trip to existing Friends in the first instance.
Please contact Anne Edwards on 01902 337478 to obtain a booking form. If I am not available please leave me your name and telephone number and I will get back to you as soon as possible. I am normally in Church at 10.00am Sunday Service and can give you forms then. Please come along and support the work of the Friends of St Bart and St Anne’s.
Painting In Penn is showcasing their paintings for all to view and appreciate, in the Church Hall on Saturday 3rd September and Sunday 4th September from 9.30am until 5.00pm, together with a water colour demonstration by Anita Pounder of the Society of All Artists on Saturday 3rdSeptember from 2pm until 4pm and Acrylic Painting by Laura Donaldson on the Sunday 4th September from 2pm until 4pm. Both demonstrations will be in the Oak Room, assisted with a full camera projection facility. Entrance will be free of charge with a fee of £1.50 for a brochure and a listing of all the paintings.
Bart’s Butterflies: We wish everyone a wonderful holiday and send our love to all ‘former Butterflies’ who will now go on to start school in September.
We return on Thursday 8th September at 1.45pm in the Lady Chapel.
What’s on this week? | ||
Sunday 31stJuly
| 8.00am | Holy Communion |
10.00am | Parish Communion | |
11.45am | All-age Worship in St Anne’s | |
2.00pm | Wedding:James Westwood & Helen Fry | |
5.30pm | Compline | |
Monday 1st August
| 9.00am | Morning Prayer |
10.00am | Coffee Morning (Oak Room) | |
Tuesday 2nd August | 9.00am | Morning Prayer |
9.30am/1.30pm | Painting in Penn (Church Hall) | |
Wednesday 3rd August | 9.15am | Mid-week Holy Communion (Lady Chapel) |
1.30pm/6.30pm | Painting in Penn (Oak Room) | |
Thursday 4thAugust | 9.00am | NoMorning Prayer Commonwealth Cycling event in and around Penn 10.00am – 4.00pm |
Friday 5th August | 9.00am | Morning Prayer |
4.00pm – 5.00pm | Friday Prayers (Lady Chapel) | |
Saturday 6thAugust
| 9.00am | Morning Prayer |
5.30pm | Holy Communion | |
Sunday 7th August | 8.00am | Holy Communion |
10.00am | Parish Communion | |
11.45am | All-age Worship in St Anne’s | |
5.30pm | Compline |
Please Pray for: Those for whom extra prayer is needed:
Brian Hopson, Jeanette Saunders, Wendy Carly, Jackie Evans, Paul Challenor, Jane Turner, Christine Plowman, Thomas Griffiths, Vi Bayliss, Julia Bishop, Dave Charles, Mike Eaves,
Dennis Pitt, Baby Grayson, Jill Dodd, Bishop Steven Abbarrow, Megan Pickering, Jenny Charles, Rose Ferrier, Alice Corbett, Grace Simkin, Lucy Harris.
Please pray for: The family and friends of those who have died:
Edith Jackson, Joyce Shaw.
The flowers in Church celebrate the Wedding of
James and Helen, whilst those in the Lady Chapel are in loving memory of Malcolm Done
PRAYER DIARY August 2022
1. | We pray for our families as the long summer holiday continues. May those who travel on holiday stay safe and have a good time. We pray for those who cannot go away that they will also stay safe and at peace. |
2. | We give thanks for all those who come to Morning Prayer. We pray for all who come to Painting in Penn and for Ron Mottram who organises it as they prepare for the Art in Penn Exhibition next month. |
3. | We pray for those who live in our link diocese of Qu’Appelle, Canada. Some minority groups have not been treated very well in the past. We pray for those who are trying to put things right. |
4. | We pray for all those involved in the cycling races today. We pray that all the organisation will go well, and that all cyclists and those watching will be safe as they race in different parts of the city.
5. | We give thanks for all who come to Friday Prayers today. May we all realise the vital importance of prayer in our lives in understanding more of what the Lord wants in our lives, our church and our country. |
6. | We give thanks for all who come to the Saturday service and those who lead and preach.
7. | SUNDAY We give thanks for all our clergy. Help them as they prepare sermons and lead and preach. We also give thanks for our lay readers that they also may know that the Lord is leading them in all their lives. |
8. | We give thanks for Joy, sally, and Jo who work so hard to make the Coffee morning a success. We also pray for those on our pastoral team who keep in touch with many lonely and poorly people. |
9. | We pray for Catherine today as she works as an administrator in a church in North London. Encourage her in all she does for the church and in her friendships and leisure activities. |
10. | We pray for all who come to the MU communion today. We give thanks for all the work of the Mothers’ Union in the UK and worldwide. |
11. | We pray for our brothers and sisters in our link diocese of Matlosane, in South Africa. Many are part of small churches in villages. We pray for the clergy who travel long distances to take services and visit parishioners. |
12. | We pray for all who work in our hospitals, often in very stressful situations due to staff shortages. We pray for all schemes to employ more staff in every sector that they will be successful.
13. | We give thanks and pray for all who play in the band as they practise and lead worship today at 5.30pm and tomorrow morning at 10.00am.
14. | SUNDAY We give thanks and pray for all worship at St Anne’s, and those who lead services and preach. We give thanks for the families who come and pray for those who are struggling. |
15. | We give thanks for all who serve in the military. We pray for any who are suffering from PTSD that they will be able to talk to someone who can help them. We also pray for their families.
16. | We give thanks for Melissa, at present in the UK. Be with her as she travels to visit people who have been supporting her financially and in prayer. We also pray for the groups in the Middle East that she was working with. |
17. | We give thanks for our link diocese in Germany. Be with them as they meet with people on holiday in this area of Germany.
18. | We pray for prisoners that they will get the help they need to turn their lives around. Many prisoners cannot read. We pray for all those who are trying to teach them.
19. | We pray for victims of crime. As services have been cut in recent years we pray that they will get the help that they need.
20. | Today give we thanks and pray for our choir as they lead worship in the Cathedral at 5.30pm and for all who will travel to worship with them. |
21. | SUNDAY We pray for those who come to our services today. We give thanks and pray for those who lead, read, preach and welcome people. We also pray for those who make the coffee. |
22. | Today we remember those who are sick or in special need. May they get the help and support that they need. We also pray for the families of those who have been ill for a long time. |
23. | We pray for those in the church who work on the environment and climate change. Help us all to offer to God the way that we live, that we may be good stewards of the earth.
24. | We give thanks for Anthony Arul and his family. Encourage him as he serves the people in his parish in Malaysia. Sometimes it is hard to be a Christian there, so we pray for courage and strength for the people. |
25. | We pray for all who work in our care homes and those who care for people in their own homes. We pray for those affected by dementia and those who care for them. |
26. | We pray for people who are persecuted for their faith. Give them courage and strength to remain faithful to the Lord that their lives may shine to others around them. |
27. | We give thanks for all who serve as local Councillors. Give them wisdom in all the decisions that they make. Help them to work together for the good of our local area. |
28. | SUNDAY Bank Holiday Weekend - We pray for families who cannot afford to go away. We also pray for all the children who come to church, and those who look after them and run the Junior Church. |
29. | We give thanks and pray for padres in schools and places of work. May they have wisdom in all their conversations with people they meet. |
30. | Today preparations begin for the Painting in Penn Exhibition. May everyone work together peacefully to get everything done.
31. | We give thanks for all who work in our Emergency services. We pray that these vital workers are kept safe.