02/07/2024 0 Comments
Bart's blog
Bart's blog
# Bart's blog
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Bart's blog
Flower Festival 25th - 26th June The life and times of Her Majesty the Queen
Plant Stall Plants always sell well. Please contact Ann Quigley on 331509 if you would like her to collect them.
Large and small cakes These are always needed and very popular for refreshments. Please contact Anne Edwards on 337478.
Oak Room StallJams, preserves, craft items with a ‘summery’ theme please and any offers to help on the stall would be greatly appreciated. Please contact Joy on 576809.
If you can spare an hour to steward this event during the weekend, please contact Joy on 576809. Thank you for any help you can give.
Wolverhampton City of SanctuaryThank you all so much for your donations which are always appreciated and much needed.Always needed are kitchen and household items, children's clothes and toys, toiletries and sanitary products. Special requests this week please for a bike suitable for a 3 year old, a small chest freezer, a small fridge/freezer, a double pushchair, a blender/food processor, pots and pans, cutlery and a microwave.Please do not deliver to Church. Please contact Annette Souter on Tel: 07952 777998 or annette_souter@hotmail.com Thankyou very much for your ongoing support.
Mothers’ Unionwill be meeting in the Oak Room on Tuesday 21st June at 2.30pm.
The Guest Speaker will be Heather Thomas – Wolverhampton Refugee & Migrant Centre.
Everyone is welcome.
Opportunities to pray with others
We have several ways that you can join in prayer with others at St Bart’s. All these groups would welcome you to join them and would value your contribution. Here are some ideas:
Daily Morning PrayerThis regular short service (about 20mins) of prayers and bible readings takes place in the Lady Chapel at 9am every day except Sunday. On Wednesday it is a communion service. A lovely way to start the day by focusing on God in the company of others.
Friday Prayers This is a new group meeting in the Lady Chapel 4-5pm on Fridays, starting on 10 June. It will be an opportunity for quiet prayer, for the requests on the prayer board, and other issues known to us, to support the ongoing ministry of the church and the needs of our community. You will not be expected to pray out loud (unless you want to).
WhatsApp Prayer GroupThis group was started during lockdown in 2020. Members share prayer requests which they are aware of, via their mobile phones, and pray in their own time. The group enables immediate prayer in emergencies, and ongoing support for situations of concern. It allows members who may not find it easy to meet in person, to share in the prayer ministry of the church.
In addition, our Life Groups include prayer in their meetings, and share prayer needs in between.If you would like to know more, please speak to Janet Shackleton, or just turn up at one of the times listed.
Sunday 3rd July 1pm – 4pm – Craft & Gift Fayre in St Bart’s Church Hall
Confirmation Service with the Bishop of Lichfield on
Sunday19th June at 5.30pm.
Let us pray for those who are to be confirmed
Philip Bethell, Hannah Dyer, Leah Jones, Dannielle Jones, Sat Klare,
Daniel Owen, Jill Owen, Adam Phillips, Dianne Price, Michael Price,
Michael Rogers, HollyTitley, Jade Watts, Shaun Watts,
Ella Bestwick,Ysabel Coles, Oliver Gulay, Charlie Harris.
Ghislaine Harrisonisto be received into the Church of England.
The Friends of St Bart’s invite you to an historical evening. Revd Ben will tell you his version of our wonderful church in Penn.
Date: 24th June
Time: 7.00pm
Price: Free for all existing Members of Friends and £10 for everyone else.
The price includes a glass of bubbly, a short serenade by our choir and a sneak preview of the flower festival.
If you wish to attend please either contact…
Sue in Parish Office on 01902 576809 or Anne Edwards on 01902 337478. (Anne will also be able to help with any membership enquiries.)
Alternatively, just turn up on the night and pay cash on the door.
We look forward to seeing you on Friday 24th June.
Summer Newsletter
The Summer Newsletter is planned to be available late July. If you wish to submit an article etc. for inclusion in this newsletter, please contact the editor Sarah Slade at newsletter.stbarts@gmail.com or discuss it with Rev Glynne Watkin.Final date for inclusion 21st June.
Bart’s ButterfliesPlease join us at St Bart’s Church Thursdays at 1.45pm for lots of singing, stories and fun. All are welcome.
What’s on this week? | ||
Sunday 19thJune
| 8.00am | Holy Communion |
10.00am | Parish Communion | |
11.45am | All-age Worship in St Anne’s | |
2.30pm | Holy Baptism Service | |
5.30pm | Confirmation Service | |
Monday 20th June
| 9.00am | Morning Prayer |
10.00am | Coffee Morning (Oak Room) | |
4.00pm | Hoodie Choir | |
Tuesday 21st June | 9.00am | Morning Prayer |
9.30am/1.30pm | Painting in Penn (Church Hall) | |
2.30pm | Mothers’ Union (Oak Room) | |
Wednesday 22ndJune | 9.15am | Mid-week Holy Communion (Lady Chapel) |
1.30pm/6.30pm | Painting in Penn (Oak Room) | |
Thursday 23rdJune | 9.00am | Morning Prayer |
1.45pm | Bart’s Butterflies (Church/Oak Room) | |
Friday 24thJune | 9.00am | Morning Prayer |
4.00pm – 5.00pm | Friday Prayers (Lady Chapel) | |
6.30pm/7.30pm | Trebles Rehearsal/Full Choir Rehearsal | |
Saturday 25th June
| 9.00am | Morning Prayer |
10.00am – 4.30pm | Flower Festival – Please support | |
5.30pm | Holy Communion | |
Sunday 26th June | 8.00am | Holy Communion |
10.00am | Parish Communion | |
10.001m – 4.30pm | Flower Festival – Please support | |
11.45am | All-age Worship in St Anne’s | |
5.30pm | Evensong |
Please Pray for: Those for whom extra prayer is needed:
Brian Hopson, Jeanette Saunders, Jane Green, Wendy Carly,Jackie Evans,Paul Challenor,
Jane Turner, Christine Plowman, Stan Yates,Thomas Griffiths,Arran Amoroso, Martyn Dowling,Vi Bayliss, Elisha Bailey, Julia Bishop, Ann Norman, Dave Charles,Judy Watkins, Mike Eaves, Dennis Pitt, Baby Grayson, Jill Dodd, Bishop Steven Abbarrow, Alice Corbett, Grace Simkin,
Lucy Harris.
Please pray for: The family and friends of those who have died:
Norma Judson.